Friday 13 February 2015

loving the fact it's Friday!

13th February 2015
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. Vincent Van Gogh

Being led astray by my mate at 6am to buy clothes online is a new way to start my day, there's 6 dresses sitting in the basket waiting for me to decide whether I do or don't want  or need them! 

On a more important subject - food!  I ate well again yesterday, ham, egg and mushrooms for breakfast, a lovely cheese and pastrami salad for lunch and I had a WW ready meal for tea, wasn't keen on it, chicken jambalaya, not a flavour I enjoyed.  I did cook a tub of stir fry vegetables to go with it and they were really good.

I'm sat here thinking about what I need to do today, I have an hour or two of work, I've got a massage to look forward to this afternoon so do I start my housework or keep it for Sunday and do the day!  I might do my bedroom today then that's one room sorted, then it'll seem easier spaced out I guess.  I really need to do it as I can almost right my name in the dust.  I just know once I start I'll keep seeing something else that needs doing.  Activity ProPoints being earned is what I need to focus on!

I've just decided on breakfast thanks to Niki in my Facebook group, I'm going to have a Weight Watcher wrap with cheese and onion or mushroom inside cooked on the George foreman, mmm tasty.  I think I'll go with salmon salad for lunch again if there's enough salad left, or maybe one of those stir fry pots, convenience has been my saviour this week.  For tea there's a potato thing lurking in the fridge I bought in Lidl's the other week, think I'll opt for sharing that with mom.  I have ideas, that's all that matters.

It was a fab day at the scales yesterday, 198lb lost on the morning, 94lb on the night, so far this week 582.5lb, and one more meeting in the morning to add to that!  Fantastic effort going on out there.  The plans designed for us to lose up to 2lb a week and so far the average loss has been 1.8lb per person which shows it works.  No gimmicks, no silliness, no potions, lotions or unusual motions!  Just good healthy eating in a way that suits you and that you enjoy.

So Valentines weekend, the only rubber I'll be wearing is my washing up gloves!  And from listening to my members not many of them will be doing the romantic thing either.  As for the 50 shades of Grey film, I shan't be going to see it, I read the books, hugely overrated I believe and as for all the tying up malarkey, each to their own, not for me, when I read the bit where he tied her wrists to her ankles all I could think about was how much that would hurt my sciatic nerve ;) and how the heck would I get to the fridge if I was tied up!  No I'll skip all that sauciness thank you, it's not for me.

Right I'm waffling and need to get my work done, I'm just delaying the housework, that's what it is!  Have a fab Friday BeYOUtiful.

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