Friday 30 January 2015

Smiling this morning as I did a lot of yesterday...

30th January 2015
Be too busy working on your own grass to realise if someone else's is greener!

I had the best surprise in the post yesterday, a parcel that I wasn't expecting and when I opened it, there was a t-shirt with "I'm kind of a big thing on my blog".  What a fantastic gift!  It didn't say who it was off but it did have an Edinburgh post mark on and because of that I had a good idea who it was from.  I just love it when someone does something spontaneous like that, really made my day. I'm funny about gift giving, I don't like to feel I 'have to' buy someone a gift because it's their birthday or Christmas, I like to buy someone a gift when I see something they'd like or when I want to take a moment to say how important they are too me.  So this was my idea of perfect give giving and I'd like to say a big thank you to Deb for taking the time out to buy it and send it all the way to Wolverhampton to make my day, it really did.

Stomachs much improved, so I think it was probably the iron tablets that caused the problems, still not 100% so won't be going crazy on the eating side but I'm going to brave more varied food again.  I will be including more 'healthy' stuff in my diet though, I like the idea of the grains, I had basmati brown rice with quinoa yesterday and I really liked it. 

I found a smoothie recipe I want to try, it'll be good for mom as well as she really struggles and I'd like to keep my stomach a happy stomach so I don't get to a point where I have those problems,

Ingredients: 1 and 1/2 cups diced fresh pineapple, 1 banana, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup ice, 1/2 cup pineapple juice or water. Blend to consistency of a smoothie.

I don't mind a smoothie, so will definitely be trying that, it'd maybe set my stomach up for the day if it was breakfast and that's got to be better than taking gaviscon!

So yesterday as well as being my busiest work day of the week was also fun of laughter, my mom is just the most amazing lady, it still makes me happy every time I realise how well she is now compared to how poorly she was this time last year.  I listen to Radio 2 now, it's my age I guess, anyway a song came on and I was instantly transported back to my childhood when mom and I used to cook Sunday dinner and she'd sing and dance round the kitchen, so I went to buy the song Misty but Ray Stevens and when I checked on my itunes I already had it, so when she came up I played it to her and this was the most wonderful reaction I could've asked for;

It'll only take 2 minutes to watch and I promise will make you smile, her last line is just perfect.  My mom really is on incredible lady, she's given birth to 7 children, had 4 under the age of two and spent her life taking care of us kids.  She was over 18 stone at her heaviest and now has maintained her gold weight for over ten years.   Yes it took her years to crack her weight issue, she's attended meetings for as long as I can remember, I used to believe everybody left school and went to Weight Watchers, it's what I did!  We're now both mostly healthy & usually happy, I thank Weight Watchers for teaching us both to eat healthy. I do love her very, very much.  That video is a peak into what my childhood was made of and why I still laugh a lot  because it's what my adult life is about too! 

Anyway enough of the mushy back to food, my lunch yesterday was delicious and took 5 minutes;

It only cost me 8pp too, 5pp for half pack of the Tilda rice/grains and 3pp for the chicken, the whole packet is only 3pp and it's delicious hot or cold.  Save's all that faffing about cooking when you're in a rush.  I cooked the courgette on my George Foreman.

Right mom's just woke up so I'm off to get her a cuppa tea and breakfast and sort her medication out for her, then my paperworks getting done before I meet up with another leader to do some promoting of our meetings around Bentley Bridge, if you see us, come say hello.

Have a wonderful day, hope the snows not spoiling your plans.

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