Sunday 11 January 2015

If only it was as easy as just being told what to do!

11th January 2015
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not. - Dr Seuss

Yesterday didn't go to plan, I wanted to work all day and get it all done, however the internet connection had a different idea and so I ended up giving up about 11ish and deciding to chill with mom instead, I'll work today now and hope that the winds have dropped and the internet is in a better mood!

I cooked a mega dinner though, if I do say so myself, stir fried some sweet white onion in fry light, added (2pp) of sliced chorizo, then scallops, cooked then drizzled a teaspoon of honey (1pp) over the top and served it all with wilted spinach and wholewheat spaghetti, it really did turn out tasty.  I do like a bit of chorizo to add some umph to a meal, so much so that I shall be having it again this morning for breakfast, here's the recipe from the Waitrose website.

Create top-speed Spanish-style scrambled eggs: thinly slice half an onion and red pepper and sauté with a few slices of chorizo in a glug of olive oil for 3-4 mins. Meanwhile whisk two eggs, pour in and stir over the heat for a further 1 min until scrambled. Season and serve.
I won't be using a glug of oil, fry light will work, but that will be a tasty start to my day for sure.  Not sure about the rest of the day, although I've just noticed I have 4 cans of salmon that could do with using, so maybe that will be involved, but we'll see.

I've apparently got a bit of a rebel in me that I wasn't as aware of as I've realised this last few days, it turns out I don't like being "TOLD" what to do even if it's for my own benefit in the long run.  If someone suggests to me that something might be a good idea or asks me how I could help myself, I'm much more likely to come up with the ideas myself and do those things that the person in question has TOLD me to do, so that's not helped my weight loss cause at all this week!  I'm still on course for a weight loss, it'll only be a small one but I'm good with that but it won't be because I've had someone telling me what to do!  After all I'm doing this for me, no one else and I'll do it MY WAY!

Oh I do hope the internet plays the game today, I have hours of work to get through and I really want to get it done.  Which actually means whatever we eat needs to be easy and quick so maybe salmon and pasta or salmon sarnies, actually if I have the pasta for tea we could have microwave chip butty, mmm nice and quick and convenient with just the right amount of not feeling like I'm trying to lose weight thrown in!  Yay I'm happy now chip butties, you can't beat em.  Looks like a ProPoint day then! 

Right I'm off, got so much to do and I can start it whilst moms still asleep, all is quiet and peaceful right now.

Enjoy your Sunday BeYOUtiful. xx

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