Monday 5 January 2015

First Monday of 2015 - let's have it!

5th January 2015
There's no need to be perfect to inspire others.  Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections.

SO my official Christmas holiday weight gain over the two weeks is, can I have a drum roll please......  4.5lb!   And for the whole of December it was a total of 5.5lb gained.  If we look back to this time last year, please don't make me ;(, it's a 10lb gain in 2014, I knew it really.  I've started, the previous years since at 10lb lighter than I was this morning, so my aim is to shift those 10lbs and I know I can.  I've felt uncomfortable walking the dog this week, mainly because I've made myself wear those jeans that fit me before I gained that weight and boy that's not nice!

I don't want to lose it fast because I know that won't work for me, I need to lose it slowly, enjoyably and consistently.  This weekend I've started to get back into my healthy eating ways, I've enjoyed cooking, nothing too technical or complicated, yesterday we had wholewheat spaghetti, stir fried vegetables and Mediterranean tomato chicken.  Today we're having salmon with actifry potatoes and vegetables.  I've got porridge and raspberries with Greek yogurt for my breakfast, I've added a bit of skimmed milk as well.  Then there's soup, I'm still trying to get soup into my routine, it doesn't come natural but I know it's a great way of filling up on the good stuff.

I've got a massage booked this morning so that's my treat before getting back to the reality of work, it's going to be a busy month I'm sure plus I'm going to be babysitting a Saturday morning meeting at the end of the month, hopefully this will all keep me busy enough that weight loss will be easier - if only it was that simple ay!

I have realised I like early nights, so that'll help, if I got to bed, I won't be eating, then I've got lots of energy throughout the day to do stuff.  I prefer Filling & Healthy and not because I can eat lots, I still weigh a lot of the foods I choose, more so because I know what I'm eating is good food, rather than processed.  I tried a few ready meals before Christmas, they're not for me anymore, I like real food that I've mostly prepared from scratch. 

Yes I love the idea of "Weight Watchers Your Way" because it's encouraging people to listen to their bodies and their minds come to that and tailor the plan to suit their lifestyle and needs.  We're all different, I like wine my bestie likes chocolate, I love big dinners, she loves to graze, see it's recognising your preferences then tweaking the plan to suit you.

I enjoyed eggs on crumpets for breakfast yesterday, then I froze the other 4 crumpets because I knew I'd just eat them because of the sell-by date when the truth was I didn't want to have them as a meal again so soon.  We had a cold meat and salad on a thin for tea, that was tasty too.  I'm adding veggies or salad at every meal, even if it's only a little bit so on breakfast I added a bit of lettuce and some cherry tomatoes.  I'm also making a conscious effort to drink more water, either hot or cold. 

It seems daunting at first doesn't it, this weight loss lark, a lot of effort for something that takes so long to really show the results.   But you know what, it's winter and that's a great reason to wrap up warm, how fab will it be on the first day of spring (March 20th - 74 days away) then the first day of summer (June 21st - 166 days away) to be able to take off those baggy warm clothes and feel good about the way you look and comfortable in the heat.  Yeah time passes so we may as well put it to good use, so what would you like to achieve in that time?

10 weeks on Friday till the first day of Spring, that's 10lb at 1lb a week, or 20lb at 2lb a week.  The first day of Summer is just under 24 weeks away, that's anything up to 48lb at 2lb a week.  Set your own goals, challenge yourself, make commitments.  They're scary I know, especially if you've made them before, heck I've been "going to sort it out" every week since August!  So yes I've had doubts that I'm capable too.  But instead of listening to those doubts, I've started doing things that help me get towards that goal of losing that first 10lb, yep I do want to lose more, but we don't need to think about that now because that wouldn't help me at all!  One step at a time is what I'm thinking, I've made it through the weekend, I wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but I'd improved and today I plan to improve a little bit more, ready to get back to reality, holidays over, damage is done (and it was enjoyed too - no regrets).

Let's do this shall me?  Ooo I meant WE but maybe that was a subconscious mistake, reminding me that it's great that I motivate and inspire so many to lose weight, last year that amount was a staggering 22,048lb, it's now time for me to motivate myself, make me a priority too, yeah that sounds like a really good idea.

Happy Monday BeYOUtiful, it's the first one in 2015, let's make it count. xx

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