Friday 16 January 2015

Egg and chips, Weight Watchers don't get no better!

16th January 2015
The miracle isn't that you finish, the miracle is that you have the courage to start.

What can I say my members are incredible, they continually inspire me with their determination, it is because of the 791.5lb that was lost in my meetings this week, that of course is incredible, I mean almost 57 stone in a week which is an average of over 2lb per person this week.  No it isn't just about the numbers lost at the scales at all, it's the stories they tell me at the scales, their lives, the events that are happening to them constantly, they are truly amazing to be able to concentrate of losing weight in the first place, seriously they all inspire me!  I'm an extremely proud leader.

Another member to goal last night, that's three already this year and I'm only on my second week back, how fab and Sadie has to get a mention for achieving her 10% award yesterday morning because she really is spinning all her plates, taking care of a family and herself which hasn't been easy the last twelve months but she's making me proud and showing her strength through what isn't an easy time.

But let's talk food, we had the ultimate filling and healthy dinner yesterday, egg, chips and peas, of course sometimes those peas would be replaced with baked beans but it really is the ultimate meal.  I just love my actifry and I have to say Sainsbury's Vivaldi potatoes are the best for making actifry chips out of, mmm.  Go get yourself a bag and try them, if you haven't got an actifry, you can parboil them a little then spray light them and put them in the oven to cook, or microwave the whole potato until softish, cut into wedges, then spray light and bang in the oven on full until they brown.

Oh I do love food!

I'm out all day today, I've decided on the train for ease, especially with the weather how it's been this week, and I get to meet my mate on the train, she's coming down from Liverpool, so we'll get to natter for a couple of hours before we get there.  Food won't be a priority at all, but I'm sure two leaders together for the day will find somewhere to eat!   I've just had a quick look, there's a Weatherspoons by the station so that may be an option, not wasting ProPoints on bad food though, I'm a fussy bird!

I'm looking forward to doing a bit of food shopping and cooking a nice meal this weekend, a bit of domestic goddessness is in order I think, although I will need to work over the weekend too if I want to have Monday free to enjoy my birthday.

Right let's get this day started, if you're looking for something new to cook over the weekend, check out my website, there's some recipe booklets you can download and print off with some really easy recipes in.

I need to get a wriggle on, I've got loads to do before I catch that train!  Have a great day, YAY it's Friday!

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