Thursday 1 January 2015

A new workout routine perhaps?

1st January 2015
Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.

So here we are in another year, don't they soon come round fast, my least favourite night of the year is behind me, not a fan of New Years Eve at all, anyone who knows me knows midnight is not a time I see on my clock very often but thanks to New Years Eve, I see it every year because of the fireworks which I can live with, poor Alfie couldn't have cuddled closer to me if he tried and I wasn't too grateful to be woken just after eleven by the annual party at the house a few doors away where for some reason they feel the need to bring it out onto the front garden and turn the music up so loud we could have a rave in our house.  I know I sound like a whiny cow but I'm not, I'm okay with them partying and with the fireworks, I just have no desire to be part of it.

So let's focus forward not backwards, my goal over the last year has been to build a life I don't need a vacation from and I think I've done it.  I've had no desire to go anywhere this year, I'm enjoying being at home, spending time with my mom and my friends and generally chilling out enjoying my world, it's good.

This time last year I thought I was going to lose my mom (I know I'm still looking backwards but in a positive way I promise) and it was the scariest time but I didn't, that doctor told me she'd die if she didn't have the operation and it happened again, blunt in Wales the doctors are ;) but she didn't and she hasn't, I think that's a bit of a miracle, are you thinking no such thing - we live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don't believe in miracles?  You should, they're awesome!

Okay the miracle I'd quite like from a completely selfish perspective is a stone weight loss in a day!  As that's not going to happen, I'm going to focus on the healthy and happy and do it the Weight Watcher Way!  I'm in no rush I'll be happy with 1/2lb a week because I like eating and drinking and I don't really want to stop doing it, I'm 45 this month and eating is a huge part of the enjoyment in my life - is that's considered sad, I'm okay with that, it makes me happy.

I do plan to keep a healthy lean kitchen, that's already in progress, by lean I mean not have too much food going on in there at any one time, I need to stop overbuying, I may have accidentally found a solution to that too, which will also get me fit!  Yesterday I caved and decided we need bread in the house even if it's a small 400g loaf, so I went to fetch one and my car wouldn't start, it's the battery and my mechanic is going to sort it out tomorrow, it's New Years day today, so he's kind of hungover this morning.  Anyway I had a craving for wholewheat spaghetti (I didn't eat it in the end but there's always today!) so I decided to walk to the Tesco garage, where they didn't have any!  I stood there considering buying white spaghetti and thought no, I want wholewheat, I shall walk to the Co-op which was a good mile away, and that's what I did.

Walking meant I had over 13,000 steps on my Fitbit by the time I went to bed last night, the most in a few weeks.  It also meant I was limited on what I bought because I had to carry it the mile home and carrying was like a workout session with weights -this could be my exercise routine for the future, it's free, it's getting me moving and it's limiting my spending because I can't carry more than £20 worth.  Do you think it'll catch on?

Anyway I didn't have the pasta because they had a joint of beef reduced, well who doesn't like a beef dinner and that's what we had with the leftover frozen roasters and parsnips, carrots, onions, sprouts, peas and a Yorkshire pudding for good measure.   I've made a spare too, so I could have it today again, the spaghetti might have to wait, or I might have the dinner tomorrow.  Decisions, decisions, very stressful in our house this week. 

I'm still not tracking but I will be when my holidays over which is Monday, I'm not going crazy but it is my holiday.  I've got a list of meals ready for when I'm back on track and I do intend to lose that stone, why?  Because I actually feel a bit uncomfortable round my middle when I sit in front of the computer.  I needed a reason and that will be it, here's to sitting comfy I say, what are your reasons?

Happy New Year BeYOUtiful, make today a healthy and happy day, then make the other 364 days healthy and happy too, you know you're worth it.

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