Sunday 14 December 2014

Feel don't just eat those emotions!

14th December 2014
When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say “why me”, say “try me”.

Got my pc back but it’s not well, its tired, old, hasn’t taken care of itself really so it’s being put aside for a brand spanking new one!  YAY excited, that’s my Christmas gift to me, I ummed and aaahhhed about spending so much on one but then something my best mate reminded me off that happened last year made me realise I spend money on others without a second thought but when it comes to something for me, I tend to be more cautious.  So I went into full sod it mode yesterday and there were no ProPoints involved, I ordered me an all singing, all dancing on with a nice big monitor – woo hoo and I can have it next week, although it’ll have to wait to the weekend because they need my computer back to transfer all the files and I can’t live without this one in the week.  So I’m a very happy girl if not a snotty one still, I do feel better in myself though, typical cold gets worse as night time comes.

Right today I need to do stuff, I’ve been putting it off for a while, but those gifts need wrapping, my office needs clearing ready for the new computer, otherwise there’s nowhere to put it, as I’m keeping this one too.  What else do I need to do, oh yeah a couple of work projects to get stuck into, I’ll enjoy them more than cleaning for sure.

I read this article yesterday he totally missed the point of Christmas I thought, especially with a line like “Mr Hart advises swapping mince pies for six squares of dark chocolate’, he’s completely missed the point of Christmas, the emotions, the feelings, the memories that come from eating the mince pie in the first place!  6 pieces of chocolate would not for me bring back the memories of our Christmas holiday in Abercastle with my mom, brother Terry and his wife Alexis, just that one minced pie would trigger an entire week of memories for me, from our shopping trip for food to us waving them off on the last day knowing we’d still got another week to enjoy the coastline.  Nope 6 pieces of chocolate wouldn’t do that, but one homemade mince pie would for sure!  Food isn’t just about what it tastes like is it, that’s why weight loss isn’t so easy, because it’s emotional as well as nutritious and we use it for so many things from distracting us, to comforting us, to bringing back memories.  Yes our relationship with food is a complex one for sure and our eating habits can most certainly be governed by emotions and if we really do want to change our relationship with food for good we have to start to accept and address that fact.  We can’t ignore that side of it and just count the ProPoints in a food and track for a few months ignoring all the emotional side of it, because that pattern will most likely only work when you’re in a certain head space and as soon as you have a wobble, you’ll start going the other way.

So instead of fretting about Christmas this year and the fact that you’ve been overindulging a little bit more than you feel you should, acknowledge the reasons why you’re doing it and they can be anything from “it was there”, “I haven’t had one for so long and they’re soooooo good” to “because I feel unhappy that I’ll be alone this Christmas”, or “because I wish I was alone this Christmas”  We are all so very different, and Christmas can be a tough emotional time if you’ve lost a loved one, or if you’re just not happy with the reflection in the mirror.  We’re emotional creatures and the sooner we learn to embrace and feel those emotions the easier this weight loss thing gets because we see why we’re behaving in certain ways.

Get to know yourself BeYOUtiful, stop eating those emotions; you’ll be glad you did. 

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