Monday 29 December 2014

Cold this morning ain't it!

29th December 2014
...and so she closed one chapter and moved onto the next and smiled as she thought - this isn't the end of my story....

It's 5.24am and I'm sat at my computer in my pj's with my Christmas jumper on and my moms santa hat, the hates back to front so his knitted beard is keeping my neck warm, it's a very attractive look as you can imagine, but I'm warm and snug, don't like to put the heating on too early in case it wakes mom up.  I've had an amazing night's sleep, after a few nights where I've been awake at stupid o'clock, yesterday I started to feel tired and when I looked it was only about 5pm, so I fell asleep in my chair about 6, then decided to go to bed around 7 and I've slept for almost ten hours - result!  My body is truly rested, as is my mind from having 4 days of chilling out, now to start doing stuff. 

Today we're off to see the Hobbit, at last the final one, I remember being gutted when we went to see the first one because I didn't know it wasn't a complete film, then being frustrated at the end of the second one because I didn't know it was a trilogy - I really should do my homework on these movies.  Although I'm not as bad as Lynne, she keeps asking where Dobbie is, wrong film!  She did it when we went to Harry Potter world too, asked in the queue if she'd get to see Gollum!  As you've gathered, she isn't an avid fan and just comes to keep me company and escape her kids for a day ;)

Tomorrow I plan to finish my book, 'Reconstructing Amelia' it's called, I do struggle with my attention span when reading a book so I have to be chilled out and in a room with no distractions, the bath is a great place to read!  I've already got my next book lined up so I need to get on with the reading because I want to read that before I go back to work.

So yesterday I had my bacon and mushrooms on a bit of crusty tiger bread then decided the bread wasn't all that so I threw the rest to the birds, they must have agreed because it's still on the path!  The important thing here though is that I was okay with throwing it away, that then motivated me to go through my fridge, freezer and cupboards and have a sort out, all those out of date jars - gone, that leftover meal I froze because in truth I didn't really like the first meal - gone, I'm not keeping food I know I'll never eat and that cheese that I'm not really a fan off but feel I should eat it because it's food and nobody likes waste - gone!  As my bestie said, I'm not on the bread line so I don't need to keep any of it.  My kitchen is now ready to resume the healthy and happy that is Weight Watchers.  I still have that box of chocolates Waitrose gave us for being late, I thought mom and I could share them New Years Eve as we won't be raving it up at a party anywhere.

For dinner we had faggots, mash, carrots and peas, even though I'm not tracking this week, I still ProPointed it and it was 13pp, not a bad price for a convenient delicious meal.  I've defrosted a couple of tuna steaks today for tea and I don't intend on doing any shopping till I've used some of the stuff we already have, my freezer needs a good clearout and that'll be happening this weekend once we've consumed some of the food in there. 

I think it's really important to stop and work out why you're struggling with your eating when you are, it's not just about food, for me I'd already established the stress from mom being ill last year had contributed but also over the last month or so, sheer tiredness, I was shattered and when I'm tired I go and look for my mattress in my fridge!  So one change I will be making in 2015 is to make sure I get that rest I need, that shut off time, that none work related space where I chill out and do things like sit in bath for an hour with a book, or go to bed at 7pm because that's when I fancy sleeping.  There is no right or wrong way to live your life as long as you're living the life you want.  I quite like mine, I really do!

So it's not even 6am, so I'm going to grab another mug of tea and settle down with my book for an hour before mom wakes up.  Have a great day BeYOUtiful, remember to live your life your way. 

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