Sunday 30 November 2014

What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours.

30th November 2014
The only thing you can really control is how you react to things ouf of your control. Bassam Tarazi

What a difference a day makes, yesterday morning I felt lousy, migraine from hell and mood quite low, however a look through my Facebook photos cheered me up after seeing how fortunate I am to love my work and to know so many incredible people.

Now I do struggle at this time of year with the dark and gloomy but nothing I can’t cope with, it’s just not my preferred season.  I’m now in a bit of a dilemma!  Yesterday we watched a couple of Christmas movies, Elf which made me laugh and another one about saving a snow lodge which made me so want a bit of Christmas in my home.  This is the first time we’ve been at home for the holidays in over twenty years I think so we haven’t got any Christmassy stuff at all, and now I’m thinking do I just not bother because it’s only mom and I, there’s not kids to do it for or do I go spend a fortune on a small tree, mmm decisions, decisions.

I’ll think on that and then decide, weigh up the pro’s and cons of having a tree in amongst all the untidy!

Today I’m off to pick up my colleagues as we’re off to the Weight Watchers annual conference, how lucky are we that it’s in Telford so less than an hour away.  Lunch included, hope it’s a good one ;) you know me and my food, I kinda like it a little!  I’m hoping to get to see some of my Facebook buddies too, it’s amazing how you get to know people online, then even more amazing when you find out they’re completely different in real life.

My migraine pain finally went about lunchtime when Janette with her magic fingers did my massage and totally relaxed my mind and body, sending me away feeling much better.  I thought it best to rest for the remainder of the day as I didn’t want to feel out of sorts for today, so there was no wine involved yesterday at all, and I had a reasonably early night, although sleep wasn’t quick to arrive, at least I was resting.

When I got back from my massage, I went to put something in the waste bin in the kitchen and on the top of it was 3 empty crisp packets, two of which I hadn’t purchased, sly devil my mom and not very good at resisting temptation (that must be who I get that off!), I must make sure people know NOT to buy her edible gifts for Christmas or any time of the year to be fair – we’re doing our best to be healthy and we’re so very easily led astray!

Right I’m off to have a shower and get dressed, I really should have got everything ready last night, instead I’ve got to go searching for my shoes, my tights, my bag, at least I emptied my car so my colleagues have somewhere to sit!   I can’t believe I’m going to be spending the day in a huge conference hall with my bestie and we won’t be sat next to each other! 

Roll on next Saturday and Manchester Christmas Market where we get to spend a whole day being Christmassy Besties without kids – cool or what!

Have a great day whatever you’re up too, if you have the winter blues too, go do what I did, find something to make you smile, giggles cure all, see those grey clouds as silver and count your blessings, trust me you have LOTS!

And as I said yesterday to a few friends who I know are self conscious about their appearance at the moment, embrace your BeYOUtiful, when I look in the mirror I see an almost 45 year old with grey hair and I’m never going to have the same body I had when I was 24, am I saying I couldn’t work hard, train hard, eat clean and get it almost the same, nope if that’s what I desired enough, I know I could get quite close, but you know what, I don’t mind, I don’t want it – not unless it comes instantly at the click of a finger and is permanent without work!  Why not, well because I know have contentment in who I am, I have a sense of humour that keeps me sane, a freedom to be the me I always was and the confidence to know that people actually like that version of me whatever I look like!  I have the most wonderful best friend who remind me of all this if I have a wobble, she’s incredible you know, everyone needs a bestie like that.  And I believe that nothing is more attractive than a smile on a happy face, being beautiful can be boring and such hard work, being BeYOUtiful is incredible.  I spent way to many years stressing about how I looked, what people thought of me and it spoilt some of my youth because I was that busy thinking, I wasn’t doing and enjoying.  I’ve realised that those that matter in my life really don’t care what I look like as long as I wash occasionally ;-), then don’t seem to care about my weight either as long as I’m healthy, they love me for how I make them feel and the good company we share together.  Let’s be honest being thin is hard work, it also for me means being sober and hungry quite often, being healthy means getting tipsy and eating out occasionally without stressing, yep I’m a Weight Watcher, I’m watching my weight not obsessing about it. 

Off to sort mom before I get gone, see ya xx

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