Monday 10 November 2014

Can you smell that? It's possibility!

10th November 2014
Sometimes the best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while.

Well get me 9 hours and 30 minutes I’ve just slept for according to my Fitbit and I can confirm I feel great, one of the best night’s sleep I’ve had in ages, I never sleep that long, usually up at 5am with or without an alarm clock.  Those weekend walks have really helped, I can even feel the muscles in my bum, which shows that walking tones as well as burns calories and makes you feel great. 

The scales aren’t quite as smiley this week, 1lb on but that’s okay because I didn’t expect to lose 4.5lb last week, so it’s still 3.5lb over the two weeks and I’ll take that.  I’m feeling better for the walking and I know my eating could be improved, so that’s something to work on.  I know what I’ve done, I’m saying I’m doing F&H but I left the skin on the chicken yesterday and we had chocolate muffins for one meal, so really that wasn’t F&H at all it was ProPoints and my day would’ve been over my allowance and taking me over my weeklies – lesson learned, back to tracking, I’ll use my Weight Watcher App to track then I’ll be able to use any Fitbit activity ProPoints I earn too, which will keep me motivated to do more. 

I didn’t fit in a walk Wednesday or Thursday last week so that’s something to try and fit in, I’ll do a good one today when I’ve finished my blog, then I have a lot of office work to do and I’m making cottage pie today, that will be F&H but just in case I’ll work out the ProPoints too so I can choose which to do. 

None of this will start until my computer gets out of its go slow mode, nightmare thing!

Yes I intend to stick to my 10,000 step target a day again this week, but not over all as an average, I want to actually aim to walk 10,000 steps EVERY day, why?  Walking is simple, free and one of the easiest ways to get more active, lose weight and become healthier.  I’ve always called it the Martini of exercise (any time, any place, anywhere). It's underrated as a form of exercise but walking is ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels who want to be more active.
Walking is often called the perfect exercise. It’s remarkable something so simple – putting one foot in front of the other – can be so restorative and invigorating. But the medical evidence is compelling. Taking regular brisk walks helps you stay healthy, live longer and boosts your self-esteem and mood.  It’s been shown to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, stroke and some cancers.

I’ve just googled and found this information;
What a 60kg (9 1/2stone) person burns in 30 minutes
  • strolling (2mph): 75 calories
  • walking (3mph): 99 calories
  • fast walking (4mph): 150 calories
Source: At least five a week, Department of Health, 2004
So I walk just over 3mph and I weigh more than 60kg ;) so I’m burning over 100 calories an hour, which will do me.

I’ve also found this;
Recommended physical activity levels
So now for me to make it a habit, half an hour walking every day aiming towards that 10,000 steps. 

I’m getting boring now ain’t I but I don’t care because if I hadn’t noticed any difference from doing the walking, I’d keep quiet, but I have, I’m sleeping well, my muscles are telling me they’re there (and not hurting like hell like they would with some exercises) and I do feel like I’ve got more energy to do other things, I’ve felt more organised the last few week, heck my office is still semi tidy, and I cleaned the kitchen yesterday, it was lovely walking into clean work surfaces this morning.

So yep I’ll continue to be boring, if I convince one person to aim for those 150 minutes a week of activity, it’ll be worth it. That’s 5 x 30 minutes by the way if you haven’t done the maths.

Oh and if those reasons aren’t enough, It also makes you happy!    The ability of exercise to boost mood is undisputed. Studies have shown regular, moderate-intensity exercise (such as brisk walking) to be as effective as antidepressants in cases of mild to moderate depression. Getting active releases feel-good endorphins into the bloodstream, reducing stress and anxiety. And don’t forget it can be a social activity – joining a walking group or meeting friends to walk and chat is a great way to banish feelings of isolation and loneliness. A survey by the charity Mind found 83 per cent of people with mental health issues look to exercise to help lift their mood. For greatest benefit, they say, get active outdoors and somewhere green. Check out  (this site has an app too) or for more info on that.

Right I’m off, my walking boots are calling J

Have a great day BeYOUtiful, I know AnnMarie one of my lovely members will have, she’s off to London for a photoshoot with the Mirror for Weight Watchers, can’t wait to get that copy of the paper, hope she has a fabulous day.

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