Friday 10 October 2014

It's ok not to be ok!

10th October 2014
Never regret anything because one time it was exactly what you wanted.

YAY I’ve woke up this morning and my tonsils are all sore and trying their best to meeting in the middle of my throat so they can touch each other, my head feels a bit foggy and there’s quite a lot of cloggyness going on.  So why YAY, because it’s Friday and I have four days before I have a meeting to take, that’s so much better than waking up on a Tuesday feeling like this.  So thank you to the universe for good timing, there’s been a lot of lurgy doing the rounds at the moment and if I have to have my share then Friday is my preferred start day.

Other than that all is good in my world right now, the biggest disaster I’ve had this week was I thought I’d lost my fitbit yesterday, I panicked because I didn’t buy it so technically it isn’t mine.  How relieved was I to find a lump in my leggings, it had fell off and somehow ended up inside them on my calf!  Don’t even try to work that one out!

It’s been a very interesting week in my meeting, I love when we all think about the why’s and not just the how’s, it’s even better when we agree it’s not easy and share our challenges.  Life can be so hard and you’re not expected to be superhuman and ‘cope’ all the time, I reckon if you did you’d be ignoring the reality of what is life, choosing to not feel certain things and that might make for an easier existence but would it be a complete one.

I have such incredible members you know, yeah we all have that common goal of wanting to lose weight but each and every one of them has a story and so many are incredibly strong and resilient.  Sometimes when I see one of these members giving themselves a hard time for not coping it makes me want to give them a hug and explain its ok not to be strong all the time, it’s okay to admit you can’t cope, it’s a strength admitting your weaknesses.  It also helps you to cope not feeling that you have to be okay!  I smile a lot, I laugh loads too, but hey I shout and scream and moan and bitch so much too, when I feel overwhelmed I cry, it releases my tension and frustration.  I don’t feel weak because of it, I feel better for doing it.  I’ve accepted I am an emotional human being who refuses to try and ignore some of those emotions, I’m embracing every one of them and trust me since hitting my 40’s and entering the ‘hormonal’ phase, there are quite a few to choose from.  My bestie jokes about the “7 shades of Bev” or asks me which of the 7 dwarves I am today because I let my mood go where it wants too and I don’t try to calm or tame it ;) and I truly believe because of that decision I’m a happier and more balanced individual – I dare say there’s a few who might not agree but I really don’t care because I’m all good with me.

So if you don’t feel like smiling today, that’s okay, if you feel a bit overwhelmed with life that’s okay too.  I personally don’t believe its okay to wallow in the misery and think well this is me forever, that’s not what I do.  If I have a problem - I do my best to fix it, if I don’t like something about my life – I do what I can to change it, if I can’t change it – I accept it and change how I perceive it, what I don’t do is play the “why me” game because that isn’t productive at all.   If I wake up in a low mood and there’s no reason for it, I acknowledge there may be hormones involved, I go with the mood for a while then I think to myself what could help me lift this mood, then I put loud music on and sing, I go make something delicious and healthy to eat and I tell myself my mood will lift soon enough and it usually does.

So today I shall be doing the bare minimum necessary, I’ll be getting the office stuff out of the way, drinking plenty of fluids to lubricate this sore throat and I’m thinking eggs and spinach for breakfast, protein and iron to boost my health and then resting to give my body time to heal itself.   I have some dhal soup made by my lovely helper Jill so that can be my lunch, then I’m sure I can rustle something light up for tea that’s also nutritious, maybe scrambled eggs or egg white because I’ve just read these can help in dealing with inflammation.

Here’s to a day of calm, whatever you’re up to BeYOUtiful, don’t be afraid to share those emotions. Xx

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