Tuesday 23 September 2014

I'm over my sulking, ready for another week.....

23rd September 2014
Every struggle is a reminder of the question – how bad do you want it?

This is just a sample of the puddings I've watched others eat & resisted this week so that I could get a weight loss;

So I went into super sulk mode for a good few hours last night, I lost 1/2lb and yes I know it’s 1/2lb and it’s a loss and they all add up and blah blah blah blah blah, however when you’re a feeling human being who has a tendency towards the dramatic and you stand on a set of scales having sticking to the plan 100% and watching your loved ones eat cake whilst you’ve drunk diet pop or tea and you’ve eaten and drunk a lot less than normal and you see 1/2lb loss on your first week, I don’t care who you are, you’re going to be disappointed!  I’ve never had a member yet who wasn’t and I tend not to try and make them feel ‘better’ as such, I agree with them if they stuck to the plan they probably did deserve more and yes it does suck!  Then we discuss why it happened and the fact that it will more than likely show the week after and not all bodies are the same and we finish with yeah it sucks!  Because nothing anyone says will make you feel better in that moment really, it’ll give you the information you need to process later when you’ve calmed down but in that moment nah!  I sulked all the way through my meeting which was weird because there are a lot of my old members (I used to do that meeting) there and they’re not used to seeing me ‘moody’ they’re used to seeing me upbeat and motivational but hey guess what, I sulk too ;) and I I don't believe in burying your feelings, I think that’s one of the main causes of depression and being overweight, so instead I let the emotions play out, I feel them, get them out of my system & move on! It's far more productive than burying them under a belly full of food! Or pretending everything’s okay and letting it all simmer inside until one day you explode or even worse, fall apart. 

Nah I sulked, man I sulked good, I moaned to my bestie, I had a whinge with my sister on her doorstep when I dropped some shopping off and on Facebook, and then I was okay, now it’s another morning and I’m all good again, it’s out of my system.  How can I just get over it?  Because that’s life, I know the plan works and the weight loss will show next week if I stay on track, I’m focusing on health and happiness not on weight and the weight loss will become the side effect, that’s my plan anyways!

My poor leader!  Can you imagine, how does she cope with a leader sulking…. I don’t envy her, that’s for sure.

What I am pleased about is I did a week on ProPoints 100%, that was one of my mini goals, another is to complete my 12 week journal and I’m on week 5, I’m 1.5lb lighter than I was at the start, it may not sound like a lot but it’s going in the right direction!

I had a delicious fish curry for tea last night, I used a Bengali coconut sachet (3pp in half) and instead of adding chicken I added white fish, it was really tasty, I’d definitely have it again and I’m slowly getting used to smaller portions, I have a big appetite but I’m learning I won’t die if I don’t eat to satisfy it!

Right I’m off for a busy day, we’re doing MacMillan coffee mornings/evenings this week, I have said that anything brought needs to be ProPointed, I resisted the ones at my meeting last night, although I did enjoy my cup of tea there, worth my pound.  I’ve made a batch of rock cakes, that’s my contribution to the week’s events.  My lunch is already in the slow cooker, I’m trying pork, I’m still undecided if today is going to be a ProPoint day or a Filling & Healthy day, no rush to decide.  I do however know it will be an on track day!

Hope yours will be too….

BeYOUtiful, focus on the healthy & happy. 

Oh I almost forgot in my sulkingness ;) we went to www.cupcakelane.co.uk yesterday, it’s behind the Majestic wine shop at Tettenhall lights on Smestow Valley Walk, https://www.facebook.com/cupcakelaneatsmestowstaion?ref=ts&fref=ts  to research this weeks meeting topic of course, I sat and watched mom eat the most delicious looking fruit scone with clotted cream and jam, you can have it out of your weeklies of course, it’ll set you back about 15pp, I enjoyed a cracking pot of tea, and we would both highly recommend it for an afternoon stop off.  Here’s the address;

Station Building
Smestow Local Nature Reserve
Meadow View Terrace

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