Saturday 9 August 2014

Who's been doing the Cha-Cha?

9th August 2014
Optimist – someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it’s more like a Cha-Cha!

Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow?  It’s a good way to start the day if you have a goal you’re aiming for. 

Have you noticed how you can want something so much but it’s quite easy to forget about how much you want it at certain times?  Especially with weight loss, you’ll join a meeting knowing 100% that you want to lose weight, in that moment it’s probably the most important thing on your mind and you are determined that you are going to do it.  Fast forward a few weeks and you’re out on a Saturday afternoon shopping and your other half says, “shall we have KFC or Maccy’s save you cooking” and in that moment your reasons for wanting to lose weight are forgotten and replaced by how you’re not only hungry, you’re tired and you don’t really want to cook when you get home!  Now depending on where you are on your journey or just how organised you are, will decide your response. I’m not going to say it depends on how much you want to lose weight because I don’t think it does, I don’t think it’s all about willpower and want, sometimes it’s just about everything else that’s going on, let’s call it life! 

I think the greatest tools you can have on a weight loss journey are planning, preparation and reminders.

So let’s get planning, let’s prepare stuff in advance so it’s ready, we need to get organised don’t we?  And last but not least we need reminders, constant reminders of our reasons.  This is what I’m going to start doing today, not just tracking, but on my journal I’m going to put the reasons I want to be healthy and happy and lose a little weight and I will read them every day to remind me because they’ll be at the front of my journal.  You could even stick reminders wherever might help, on fridge door, in your purse, in the biscuit tin anywhere that you might go where you need prompting that you want to lose weight for a reason. 

We don’t get lazy – we get tired!

We don’t get greedy – we get hungry!

I know we all have our lazy, greedy times but a lot of the time it’s because we’re tired and hungry so again we need to have things in place for these times.  So Thursday when I know I’ll be tired when I get home and way to hungry to start preparing stuff, I need to plan and prepare a tasty tea beforehand so I can just walk in and eat it.

I saw an excellent tracker this week and Louisa has given me permission to share, firstly she knew Thursday was going to involve afternoon tea, she made this delicious cake for her sisters birthday, WOW is all I can say, especially when I think of my attempt at a chocolate cake for my besties birthday ;-).  The cake was 198pp, she worked it out and planned to have a slice at 16pp, she was totally in control and had that afternoon tea planned.  Saturday started well, she resisted a Macdonald’s breakfast offered to her by her husband and survived the carnival resisting the cake and burger stands, however she was talked into a MacDonald’s for tea, she didn’t think “sod it” she looked at her options, said yes and tracked it.  The rest of her week was on track also and she came away with a pound weight loss – result!  Just a bit of preparation and she got success at the scales.

Here’s to staying on track this weekend, planning and reminding yourself why you first decided you wanted to lose weight.  It’s okay to maintain your weight now and again if you have too much going on, but let’s not think “sod it” and blow all that effort we’ve put in, we’re way too important.

Enjoy your day BeYOUtiful. Focus on the healthy & happy. xx


  1. I am starting my weight watchers journey tomorrow evening at the baths at Bentley Bridge Wedensfield, I am also writing about my adventure, I have just found your blog and am sitting reading all of your posts, I find them interesting and very informative and insprational.
    Thanks Dawn x

  2. Enjoy yr journey Dawn Hall, I know the leaders at Bentley Bridge you'll be in good hands. xx
