Wednesday 6 August 2014

Is that really all you ate?

6th August 2014
Strength doesn’t come from what you can do.  It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t. 

Tracking and being ‘on track’ are two very different things!  However one does usually lead to another, last Thursday my helpers and I agreed we’d fill in our trackers for the week no matter what we ended up doing and that’s what we’ve done. 

You may have noticed I posted the first two, then stopped, I’ve been filling it in, I’ve just not wanted to share it because I’ve not been completely on track and I didn’t want you to see my choices.  I’m not far off and tracking has helped me realise that, it has also helped me improve over the week, so yesterday looked like this;

Breakfast – Brown Thins & peanut butter (fancied it all week) 9pp

Lunch – Wholewheat pasta, bits of leftover chicken, peas, peppers, spinach, garlic oil spray 9pp

Tea – chicken breast (although Alfie ate it)(4pp), roast courgette, onions & carrots, broccoli, peas, swede & mash (4pp), gravy (2pp)

I earned 6pp on my pedometer by doing almost 19,000 steps, that’s just going to work, didn’t do anything other than work yesterday!

Not a bad day at all food wise, oh I forget the big glass of red, and if I’m being 100% honest it was half a bottle (9pp) because I felt tired all day yesterday and a bit rough last night (feel better now).

So suddenly what looked like a good tracker at 28pp (actually 24pp as the dog ate my chicken!) suddenly becomes 37pp with the wine.  But wait….. what about my cups of tea, I only had 3 or 4 I bet but that’s another couple of ProPoints that need adding on, so now we’re up to 39pp, when my daily allowance is 26pp and even with the 6pp from my pedometer that’s still only 32pp, which means I’m 7pp shy of being on track!   As I’m telling you yesterdays, you’ve probably worked out that the other days we’re so good and that’s why it’s good to track because ignorance isn’t bliss.

Don’t get me wrong sometimes when a member gets on my scales and hasn’t lost weight, they have every right to be miffed because they have done everything by the book, been active but for some reason it’s just not shown, it will – just not that week.  However, when some of us get on the scales and haven’t lost and say “I’ve stuck to the plan”, we know that if we’d wrote it all down 100%, we wouldn’t be ‘on track’ and within our ‘allowance’.  It’s time to get honest with ourselves if we’re not getting the results we want, because those of my members that are doing it properly are getting great weight losses, over 10 stone was lost on my scales yesterday proving it works.

Yes I’m well aware that my portions are mighty some days, I’ve taken a liking to having bread with my meal, solution = I’m going to stop buying thins because they go off to quickly, therefore I eat them, I know they can be frozen but there’s no room in my freezer.  I will buy one small calorie controlled wholemeal loaf so that it’s there if mom wants some and I’ll go back to eating it as a meal not a side dish!
I’m going to write a shopping list and think about what I plan to do with it all rather than just buying food and deciding the day before what to have.  I re-found the frozen veg drawer in my freezer yesterday; I hadn’t been in there for weeks!  It was great, I made that lovely lunch just by stir frying a handful of each and using up the chicken off the carcass, took 15 minutes including cooking the pasta.  I have another chicken in fridge because they were on offer and there’s no room to freeze it, so I need to find a recipe to use it up as I don’t want to do roast chicken again, I might portion it up, check out the online Weight Watcher recipes, curry maybe. 

Yeah this week is a little calmer, last week I did over 70 hours so spending time in the kitchen wasn’t happening really, however I can do so this week.

Right coffee time, I have some duck eggs that I bought Monday from the Hollybush so maybe eggs for breakfast, ooo on crumpets perhaps, I can feel a F&H day coming my way….

BeYOUtiful have a great day; focus on the Healthy & Happy and Eat Gorgeous.

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