Wednesday 13 August 2014

Always BeYOUtiful & love the life you live

13th August 2014
Don’t expect everyone to understand your journey, especially if they have never had to walk your path.

What a fantastic day yesterday was, full of tears, happy and sad tears, after all a weight loss journey can be an emotional one for lots of different reasons, at my morning meeting, two members celebrated being at goal for 2 & 3 years, one lovely lady achieved her goal having lost 62lb, and we had a total group weight loss of 58lb. A new member joined and her reason when I asked her for joining my meeting was simple, she looked at me then at her beautiful children and said "I need to be around". Such a simple yet powerful and moving reason that so many of you with children will appreciate, you can’t take care of others until you’ve taken care of yourself.  Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight, I always tell my members I can help them, of course I'd love to be able to get you them to their goal weight overnight with a magic spell, unfortunately I'm not that great! I can however support them, offer them advice and guidance throughout their journey, be there to cheer them on through the good weeks and give them direction through the not so good weeks! My most successful members put their meeting in their diary first and everything else fits round it, proving that together is better, and Weight Watchers works because of that group support as well as our fantastic weight loss plan.  

If you do it right - it's forever, make changes you can live with for the rest of your life, focus on a Healthy & Happy lifestyle. A year from now, you'll be glad you did.

Samantha who achieved her goal yesterday did just that, she joined just over a year ago wanting to make a change and now she’s looks and feels amazing, in her words, "I'm so happy + thin + able to bounce!"  Her smile fills the room, to be honest it always has, I think she smiles more these days though, I really do, I’m so proud of her.  I know last night she celebrated with a few glasses of the good stuff, I also know that before she went to bed she was chopping salad ready to keep her good habits going as she transitions from weight loss to weight maintenance because she is NOT putting that weight back on.  I know Sam will continue to attend her meeting because she knows that’s important to her and also because she enjoys the social side of it all. 

Never forget your reasons for joining, they’re unique to you and important so that you stay focused on your end goal.  That BeYOUtiful ladies remark at the scales “I need to be around” really hit me yesterday, I may not have children that need me but I do have a mom and she has taken care of me most of my life, it’s now my turn to gladly repay some of that love by taking care of her as and when she needs it, so yeah I too “need to be around”, which is why my tracker is being filled in daily and I’m working on improving the amount I’m consuming, yesterday was better than Monday and today will be better than yesterday!  I will get back to that number I’m aiming for! 

At the beginning of this blog I mentioned tears in my meeting, not all of them were happy tears, I do see a lot of different emotions being experienced in my meeting, we aren’t happy all the time, not any of us on this earth are we.  I think everyone was hit in one way or another by the sad loss of Robin Williams yesterday; here are some wise words from a classic line from one of his films.  

“Please, don't worry so much. Because in the end, none of us have very long on this Earth. Life is fleeting. And if you're ever distressed, cast your eyes to the summer sky when the stars are strung across the velvety night. And when a shooting star streaks through the blackness, turning night into day, make a wish and think of me. Make your life spectacular.”
Robin Williams (1951-2014) in Jack

I’ve copied this from facebook and if you have a problem don’t be afraid to talk;
Mental health problems are real. They do not discriminate and for all the people who have not yet spoken about their feelings - it is ok to ask for help. It takes a lot to say "I need help". It shouldn't be so hard, but it often is. If you or someone you know is struggling with that, maybe now is the time to talk to someone.

Have a wonderful day BeYOUtiful, see the sunshine in your world, embrace the gorgeous, focus on the healthy & happy and love yourself and those around you because in the end none of us have very long on this earth. Xx

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