Monday 14 July 2014

We walked, we ate, we giggled....

14th July 2014
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.  Winston Churchill.

4.59am on a Monday morning, who’s idea was this?  Oh yeah mine, I’m off up to Preston today for an all day Weight Watcher meeting, actually looking forward to it really, well I will be once I’ve drunk my cuppa and woke up.  Not had the best night’s sleep, I blame the heat and the full moon, at least I had an early night so have had a few hours thankfully.

Yesterday was brilliant, thank you everyone who turned up or donated, I'll know our total collection later in the week but we're already over £100 - not bad for a Sunday Stroll! is where you could make a donation still, or you can donate by text by sending “TEXT WWWW85 £2 to 70070” or change the amount to £1, how great would that be if everyone that read this did that this morning, oh that would make my day, it really would!

After our walk me and my lovely ladies went for some dinner and giggles; I’d been looking forward to eating out, having a steak all week but I got carried away by the menu as did AnnMarie and we ordered the mixed grill, AnnMarie’s face when it arrived was a picture, I don’t think she expected it to be this large;

when we worked it out later it was over 50pp worth of food, luckily it wasn’t a good plateful of food and we left most of it, the meat was tough and chewy and I never eat the chips nor the onion rings in these chain pub places, they’re never good enough, I actually sat there and said, “this plate of food ain’t worth getting fat for!”  It really wasn’t, if I find myself in one of those places again, I need to think about my choices because the food was not the best at all, on a positive I left the chips, onion rings, 95% of the gammon, a bit of the steak, 2 of the 3 sausages, 1 of the pieces of chicken, it’d probably be easier to tell you what I did eat – 1 piece of chicken, 1 sausage, about 4oz of steak. peas and half of a tomato!  With the ProPoints I saved I had sticky toffee pudding and custard when I got home though ‘-) it’s been in the freezer since moms birthday so we enjoyed that last night.

Somehow I managed to lose 1/2lb this morning!  I’m very grateful to the scales gods for their kindness this week, I did try to do Simple Start last week but I’m not going to lie, it went horribly wrong, by the end of the week I was making my own plan up and to be honest it was fabulous F&H and PP’s together in the same day, unfortunately it’ll never catch on because you don’t get any weight loss!  That half pound was a fluke and probably more to do with the fact last weekend we’d overindulged more on the weekend because of moms birthday so I was probably just full of food still Monday morning and this Monday I’m not!  I’m not fooling myself that I’ve been good, not after Wednesday anyway. 

So I’m going to do ProPoints this week, that way I’ll know exactly what I’m having, I’m also going to track on my phone app, that way I have no excuse not to track because my phone will be in front of me!  The only challenge I should face this week is today, having lunch at the meeting, if I choose wisely I’ll be fine, and I will put a banana in my glovebox to tide me over for the journey home – no stopping at a service station for food! 

I hereby declare no booze till Thursday night also, that’ll help to be honest because the wine most certainly uses up the ProPoints allowance without filling up the belly, so if I wait till Thursday or Friday I’ll have enough for a couple of bottles over the weekend out of my weeklies.  Yes feeling positive and ready for a good week.

I may not have been great ‘weight loss plan’ wise last week but I did eat a lot healthier and I can feel that in my body, we ain’t a lot of stodgy, junky food last week, this week I may have eaten too much to get a weight loss but it’s all been pretty good food.

Right I need to get a move on, I need to shower and sort myself ready for my drive, looking forward to catching up with a few Weight Watcher ladies.

Have a BeYOUtiful start to your week, remember life is good, sometimes difficult, sometimes crazy but always good if you look at it in the right way. xx

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