Friday 11 July 2014

OY YOU! Pay attention ;-)

11th July 2014
Life isn’t what you’re given, it’s what you create, what you conquer and what you aim to achieve.

So this is the second time this morning I’ve written the first paragraph because I was trying to do too many things at once on the computer and ended up pressing the close button on the word document rather than the internet explorer – it was the universes way of reminding me I’ve decided to slow down and do things at a reasonable speed rather than 100mph!  I didn’t get angry, I just smiled - lesson remembered ;-) Now to try and remember what I’d started writing!

Pay Attention! No not to me, to your food!  This week in meetings we’ve talked about the importance of routines to ensure weight loss success, and a couple of them were;

- Eat all your meals at the table
- Eat all your meals distraction free
- Put your fork down between bites

Now I’d be lying if I said I did all of those things all the time, I do however try to do them as often as possible and will be making an extra conscious effort to do them this week.

How many of us think about food all the time, or most of the time we’re awake anyway? I know I’ve been guilty of thinking what I’m going to be eating for my lunch whilst I’m eating my breakfast!  “What can I have next”, “What shall I eat today”, “When can I eat next”, “Ooo I could just eat….” You get my drift. 

Now another observation I’ve made of myself as well as other is we spend all those hours thinking about food and then when we actually eat we don’t even give it our full attention, we shovel it in so quickly because we have other stuff to do after that we don’t even taste it!  We’re chewing away on a mouthful of food, the next mouthful is on our fork ready to follow that on in and we’re looking at the plate deciding on the following mouthful, a bit like a food conveyor belt to our stomach.  Mmm, where the pleasure in that?  Where’s the stopping and tasting bit of the meal gone!  Yep we spend hours a day thinking about food and then when we finally get to eat it, we don’t even pay attention to it and taste it! WHY? Lots of reasons, distractions for one such as television, children, phones, computers or because we’re in a rush so ram it down as quick as possible.  It may even be guilt, we believe to get ‘thin’ we shouldn’t be eating at all so we rush it to get it out the way quickly. 

I eat my lunch up the table most days with my mom, it’s to make me stop in the middle of a busy day and spend some quality time with my mom whilst ensuring she’s eating a decent meal too.  Now mom eats quite slowly compared to be, I think it’s me that eats too quickly rather than she who eats slowly. Because she eats slowly, I’ve taken to putting my fork down to give her chance to catch me up so we finish our meal about the same time, I realised doing this that it meant I was actually chewing my food for longer, which also meant I was actually tasting it – suddenly I’m enjoying that meal I’ve been planning and thinking about eating for hours rather than rushing it down because I have paperwork to get back to doing. 
I’ve decided these are the routines I will work on this week, on Weight Watchers website if you have esource you can choose up to 3 each week to work on and you check in daily when you’ve completed those routines, that’s what I’m going to do!

It’s all about positive small changes being made continuously – not just the once!  Yep that’s something else I’ve observed over the last few days, in the last few years my life has changed significantly so I need to make some small changes to bring myself in line with my new schedule, my new responsibilities and my changed life.  I’m looking forward to it, now I’ve realised that I’ve not just stopped following the plan or not trying, more that it’s things that have changed with my environment and lifestyle and I hadn’t particularly realised that’s what was causing the changes in me.  Let the adjustments commence I say, I’m always up for a challenge and today’s as good a day as any to start.

I’m off for a training thing, then going to enjoy lunch with a few leaders, I’m on Filling & Healthy so thinking a nice bit of steak is just the job, either with a jacket or salad.  Actually I’m going for jacket and you know what I’ve just decided I’m going to do, take my one Weight Watcher spread in a little tub with me, I know it might melt a bit if the cars warm but heck the spuds gonna melt it anyway so who cares!

Right I’m off, I need coffee and I have paperwork to do, a cheeky spider has just walked across my desk, why is it they don’t even make me flinch, but a moth turns me into a hysterical mess, did I mention the moth incident the other night!  Oh my days I’d just closed my eyes to go to sleep and I heard flapping wings, I seriously thought there was a bird in my bedroom, opened my eyes and looked and there’s the biggest moth I’ve even seen in this country, I screamed “MOM” (yes 44 and still call for my mom when there’s a moth about), I actually fell off the end of my bed in my rush to escape, mom comes walking in asking what the matter is and there’s me with Alfie in my arms in the door way saying “there’s a moth, there’s a moth” I’m shuddering thinking about it, but I have to admit if someone had filmed it, it would have made an hysterical video on youtube, I was pathetic.  Yes give me a spider on my desk anyday over a moth the size of a sparrow!

Right I really am off now, have a great day BeYOUtiful, think about those routines, what can you work on?

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