Monday 21 July 2014

It's all in the mind...

21st July 2014
It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.

Is your body the problem or your mind? How many times have you looked in the mirror and been unhappy with your reflection?  Can you remember a time when you've looked in that same mirror within the same week and thought how good you looked or been happy with your reflection?  What's that all about, how can you be okay with what you see one day, then the next day look in the mirror and see a totally different image, one you believe is too fat or too ugly or whatever it is you're feeling that day. Surely if nothing has physically changed in that short space of time, the problem isn't with our physical body but our minds, our thoughts and our emotions are what have changed not our reflection.


Oh I don't know - I'm not a psychiatrist and I'm guessing for each of us those reasons are different, there could be different reasons on different days - what I do believe from my own personal experience is realising this is the case really helps stop those negative thoughts steamrolling out of control and causing problems. I stand there and mentally say to myself "you didn't feel like this yesterday and you haven't gained a stone overnight so this is about how you're feeling not how you are looking!" And that helps me enormously. 

I then try to work out what's going on with me and decide how to sort that problem out rather than trying to work out how to lose a stone in a day! 

Am I saying don't lose weight - Erm no, especially if you want to get slimmer this summer,  but realise that getting slim won’t make everything ‘better’, it’ll make you healthier definitely and it’ll be nice to shop for smaller clothes but you’ll still be married to the same person, have the same mortgage, bills, job and problems ‘-) so you may as well learn to love your life and yourself now and get used to all of that so that when you’re slimmer, you’ve already got happy, and now you’re healthier too so you’ll live longer to enjoy this wonderful life you have BeYOUtiful.

Let’s make Monday magic shall we…

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