Saturday 5 July 2014

Confused - you will be ;)

5th July 2014
Sometimes it’s okay to take a step back and admit you’re being ridiculous!

You can’t beat having a coffee with a like-minded person, where the conversation just flows because you think in similar way about things, and of course you both get to feel very clever because you have lots to say about a subject you both enjoy ‘-).  Seriously though, surrounding yourself with like-minded people is a great way to make yourself feel good, and it was just what I did yesterday, I only wished I’d have been able to stay longer because we were on a roll, but I had to be somewhere, at least we can do it again soon.  And today I get to spend time with the one person who probably gets me as much (if not more sometimes) than even my mom and first I get to spend time with her daughter, my favourite ten year old, I think we may bake this morning!

I’ve just made my besties day by booking tickets to see Boomtown Rats in October, how old are they now, that’ll be interesting but I’m sure it’ll be a great night and something to look forward too.  

Can you believe the rain, we won’t be sitting up the garden this afternoon, hey ho, all sitting round the living room is a good second option, and we’re having pizza and clotted cream scones in honour of moms’ birthday tomorrow, any excuse for a celebratory food event I say! The scales may not be so impressed on Monday but I will be starting Simple Start and sorting that out then, today I celebrate my incredible mother because without her I wouldn’t have the opportunity of a weight problem.

We were chatting about psychology of sorts yesterday over coffee, neither of us being experts on the subject but both loving the stuff we were talking about, I couldn’t think of a word to explain something we were discussing, then it came to me as I was driving off, it was “projection” but having googled it this morning that wasn’t what I was thinking of either I don’t think, although it depends which site you look at, the kind I meant was when what you dislike or what annoys you about another person is actually a reflection of the things that you know you do that you wished you didn’t or don’t like.  

As Confucius says;
What you most hate is what you most deny in yourself.
What you most love is what you most wish for in yourself.

See this is why I’m a Weight Watcher leader and not a psychologist because I know what I’m thinking and trying to say but I don’t quite know how to put it across in writing! 

Oh I’ll carry on reading books and trying to get better at explaining ;0) I do believe though that we can really learn to understand ourselves through our relationships with others, everyone you meet can be a mirror and an opportunity to look at yourself and your behaviours.  I’ve always found when someone really pushes my buttons if I stop and examine the situation I find the reason comes back to me.  Thinking that way has really helped me over the years, I’m a calmer, happier person for it too.  

Questioning my thoughts is something I do all the time and again that helps, it’s too easy to get caught up in our own head, I’m a devil for assumptions, I can make a whole story up in my head regarding a situation when in truth I have no idea what’s going on or what’s going to happen or how the other person is thinking or what they’re going to do!  But how easy is it to have already decided in your own mind how the whole situation is playing out…

When I find myself doing that these days, I just say these three words “Is that true?” This gives me the opportunity to question the thoughts I’m having and calms me down and brings me back to reality. 

It’s way too easy to get caught up in our own take on the world and what’s going on, so it’s good to stop and actually pay attention, listen and realise you’re not always right!

Have a great day BeYOUtiful, I’m going to stop waffling now because I’m confusing myself so if you understood that lot – well done ;)

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