Tuesday 27 May 2014

It's all about balance!

27th May 2014
Sometimes people with the worst pasts end up creating the best futures – stay positive!

Work/Life balance - there has to be one otherwise something has to give, that’s true for me anyway and I’ve noticed that because I’ve been putting extra hours in the last few weeks that I haven’t had so much time for the day to day stuff like shopping, cooking nice meals, tidying my house, doing the laundry all that normal things that have to be done, that no one actually gets any credit for because everyone else in your home things the house angel does it all!  Trust me if it got let for a few weeks they’d soon start to notice!

I was so tired this weekend partly because of the extra work but also hormonal that I’ve spent a good part of it sat around doing nothing, but that’s allowed me to recharge and yesterday I actually managed to give the kitchen a good clean as well as cooking in it.  For some reason a tidy, clean kitchen makes me feel good, actually a tidy house makes me feel great but the effort involved to do it counteracts that ‘feel great’ feeling so it doesn’t get done quite so often. 
We also managed an hour in the garden yesterday morning before the rain came back, I do love to open my kitchen curtains in a morning and take in the sight of my garden, particularly loving my hanging baskets at the moment, they’re not quite how I hoped they’d turn out but I’m still pleased with my first attempt.  I sound like a proper homebody don’t I, and to be honest I am, I love it, I’ve travelled plenty and visited lots of places, but right now at this stage in my life, I have absolutely no desire to go anywhere other than my back garden and kitchen.

The one thing that working extra has meant is less time for shopping which can’t be a bad thing the amount I spend in supermarkets, I’ve shopped online twice now and I definitely think it’s the way forward for now, I will carry on planning my meals and doing the shopping online from that plan, hopefully that will mean less waste.

Speaking of meal plans, breakfast yesterday was delicious;

I layered oats, banana, raspberries and 0% Greek Yogurt, really tasty, I’ve done the same for this morning but I’ve left it all soaking in a bit of skimmed milk in the fridge overnight so we shall see how that turns out.
I cooked allotment frittata and beef goulash from the new Cooking the Weight Watcher Way, we had the frittata with swordfish (check me out – posh fish!) for our dinner and it was delicious, the goulash is for today and I’ve done Colcannon (mash and cabbage) to go with it.  The frittata was so good I had a slice for my tea last night as well.
For this weeks online Weight Watchers #StepIntoSummer challenge, is to serve a surprisingly healthy meal. From creamy pasta to scrummy cake – make something that makes everybody say “but… that doesn’t taste like ‘diet’ food!”

I believe everything I’ve served since Sunday morning with my meal plan would fit under that banner, even the bread pudding that I cooked last night but resisted eating!

What will you cook?  Did you take up last week’s challenge and plan your meals?  These challenges are helping me focus on one thing at a time, I like it.

Here’s to a tremendous Tuesday, make it a good one BeYOUtiful, and remember however your Bank Holiday turned out you still have 6 stays left to make it a successful week!

1 comment:

  1. Gotta agree about your online shopping we did it for the first time the weekend and ended up spending less but having more for our ££££ but also healthier food oh but more rekordalig cider than our local pub keep up the blogs always enjoy reading em ....Leon
