Thursday 10 April 2014

Once upon a time...

10th April 2014
“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.” Alphonse Karr

I took mom for her CT scan yesterday, we won’t hear anything for a week or two, however whilst sitting there waiting I got to have two very short conversations with two amazing ladies, the first had been receiving treatment for cancer of the spleen for 12 months, she would find out in 3 weeks if it had gone, she was smiling and very positive, the second was a lady who’d had an heart attack at 41, a aneurism at 50, received treatment that had never been performed on a woman her age, not one that survived anyway – her consultant was about to perform a new heart surgery on her called Tavi which is a way of doing heart surgery without a major chest operation because her body wouldn’t take it and she was laughing and joking and telling me a few of the things they’ve done to her and how he was writing a paper on her now – such strength!

The thing they both seem to have was belief which is what I touched on yesterday, a positive mind will get you far – do you have one?  Is your head full of flowers (positive thoughts), or drowning in weeds(negative thoughts)?  There are beliefs that “what you believe – you achieve” or “what you focus on, you will attract to you”.  So what do you believe about yourself, what are you focusing on, are you visualising a successful person who’s going to achieve they ambitions and dreams, who’s going to get to their goal weight or are you thinking, “I’m hopeless, I can’t do this and I’ll never get this weight off”?

Start paying attention to the thoughts you have throughout the day, are you focusing on the good, the things that can go right or is it all about the doom and gloom – they woo is me, the I can’t do this, it’s too hard, I don’t have time, I’ve tried before and I’m hopeless?
What is your story?  If you listen hard and long enough to your thoughts you’ll hear it?  Do you like the story of your life you’re writing in your own head?  Are you challenging yourself enough, are you giving yourself enough support and encouragement to accomplish all the things you’d like to, or even just to make it through that day?  When you got up this morning did you think, “right let’s do this, let’s have a fabulous day!” or were you thinking, “Oh well, here we go again, roll on the weekend!”

Are you praising yourself when you do something well or achieve something however small or are you ignoring those accomplishments and beating yourself up for all the things that weren’t so great?

How you feel about yourself and those things you say to yourself in your mind will influence you more than anything anyone else can say to you and how you talk to yourself depends on a lot of things including your past – however at some point we have to leave our past and our childhood behind and start focusing on our now and our future. 

So if you were picked on as a kid, don’t continue that bullying by doing it to yourself, decide to start loving yourself because trust me you are beYOUtiful and amazing in so many ways that you maybe cannot see.  Just by changing what you focus on you can change how you feel and your outlook on your life.   Yeah you can!  Think about it, have you ever been having a really crappy day and feeling bleurgh when a friend calls you up for a natter and you share a joke and have a giggle and when you put the phone down you’ve forgotten out your crappy day for the duration of that conversation – stop focusing on the ‘bleurgh’ and start focusing on something positive – there’s always something positive if you look hard enough.

Pay attention to how you talk to yourself, the things you think about yourself are you being positive?  If not ask yourself how a friend or your child would feel if you spoke to them that way, how would you feel if you thought and spoke to a loved one the way you do to yourself?  What impact do you think it would have on your daughter or best friend saying some of the things you say and think about yourself in your own mind?  Have you just shuddered at the thought of being that hurtful to someone else, to someone that you love? 

If you aren’t feeling fab or you’re just having a ‘bleurgh day’ get yourself a little pad and start a sunshine list, a list of everything you can think of that makes you smile, from daffodils to that lovely night out you had with friends last week, anything and everything you can think of that brought a bit of sunshine into your heart goes on that list, top of my sunshine list always in the sunrise and sunset, they are so beautiful and also signify another day I got to live!
You may notice when you do this that your mood starts to improve almost immediately because you are putting that sunshine back in your heart just thinking about those things on your list, so carry your book around with you and read it often!

Why not start another list in that book of the things you ARE going to achieve because you can, because you’ve decided that you are going to believe in yourself and be positive and get on with writing that story of your life – make it a page turner!

You ready to start that next chapter, or do you want to start a new book completely, why not, here goes;

Once upon a time……

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