Wednesday 16 April 2014

I am getting back to goal!

16th April 2014
You’ll never leave where you are until you decide where you’d rather be!

Well I don’t want to speak too soon but I think I’m finally “in the zone”, “on it like a car bonnet” as we sometimes say in my meetings!  How did this happen?  I haven’t really been there for a very long time, don’t get me wrong I’ve attempted to follow the plan, eat healthy and happy and do all the things I know will help me lose weight, yet I have quite been there 100% for a very long time, something always stopped me giving it my all and I wasn’t sure what – it just wasn’t important enough to me.  At last I can honestly say – now it is and I’m most definitely getting back to goal!

So how did this happen?


I’m not 100% completely sure….

I would however like to believe that my persistence had something to do with it, fake it till you make it actually does work.  Doing the best I could at the time, focusing on the healthy and happy whilst eating filling and healthy food the majority of the time regardless of what I was doing the other 10% of the time to ensure at least my body was being fed good food.

Then over the last few weeks going back to basics, spending some time on me, trying to figure out what had changed, why had I regained that stone slowly over the last few years, what wasn’t I doing now that I was doing before, or more to the point what was I now doing that I wasn’t before! 

You can fix something if you don’t know what’s broken really I guess!

Hark at me, I’ve only been on track 10 days, hardly a record is it, not like I haven’t stayed on track for that long over the last few years, I’ve done longer than that to be honest, so why do I think it’s any different this time?  I just feel it – I know I’m going to get back to goal? 

How do I know?  Because I made that decision ten days ago and over the last ten days that feeling has got stronger and my decision has been confirmed for ten days running and it will continue to be confirmed.

Check me out – all cocky!  Not at all, I’m well aware of how difficult it is to stay on track, I particularly know that ‘life’ can get in the way, that’s what’s been happening for the last few years to be fair – my life has changed and I didn’t adjust with it.  I’ve been reacting instead of proactively looking at my new situation and working with it.

I had a bit of an epiphany on Monday, I think that’s the word I’m looking for.  Anyway Monday morning I was about to make my breakfast, I’d already made mom her cup of tea, breakfast and got her tablets ready, now I was doing me and I thought to myself what shall I have and this is the conversation that I had in my head with myself

“I’ll just have a fried egg on a Warburton thin because that will be quick to do.  I really should have some veggies of some sort with it though, my five a day and all that.  Yeah but you’ll have to slice mushrooms and tomatoes and that’s gonna take longer and you’ve got loads of stuff to do today, you can live without them.  Hold on….”

Then I had my realisation, I prioritise everyone else and everything else, I’m renowned for my punctuality for being that person who always does what they say they’re going to do, for being helpful, for always responding to other peoples requests and doing so promptly.  I’m that person who nothing is ‘too much’ trouble.  YET here I was not willing to spend an extra few minutes on myself, if my mom had asked for the same breakfast or if she’d asked me to bake her fresh scones, I wouldn’t have thought twice, I’d have made them!  If a member texts me to ask me how many ProPoints is in something, I find out, it doesn’t matter how busy I am or what I’m doing, I stop (even on my day off) and look it up.  So what or who made the whole damn world more important than me, why do I treat everyone and everything as a priority and take care of their needs but when it comes to taking care of mine, I think, “it doesn’t matter, I can do without”, well NO actually I can’t!  And I’ll bet most of the people that read this do the same, you’ll do anything for anyone, you prioritise your family, you put yourself out at work to help out if they’re understaffed but when it comes to taking five extra minutes to nourish yourself with good healthy food, you don’t bother because it’s only you! 

Can you imagine your kids asking to be fed and you saying, “I can’t be bothered, you’re not that important really, you can do without today, just have a bag of crisps, oh and there are some chocolate bars in the drawer!”   Then imagine doing that for a week, a month or why not go all the way and treat them how you have probably treated yourself at some point for a year or more, would you do it?

Yep I had that realisation amongst others over the last ten days, I’ve been neglecting my own well being for the sake of others and it stops NOW!

I don’t care how busy I am, my health and happiness is a priority, I come first (wow that was difficult to type – the first bit!) because ultimately if I don’t take care of me, I won’t have the energy to take care of anyone else. 

Lead by example they say don’t they?  Well watch this space, I’m getting back to goal, I’m doing it by putting myself first, eating gorgeous and focusing on the healthy and happy and BeYOUtiful I expect you to follow suit! Oh yes I do! 

Have a great day; take care of you because you my lovely are important too. Xx

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