Tuesday 29 April 2014

Ask yourself - is it worth it?

29th April 2014
The wise know their limitations, the foolish do not.  Benjamin Hoff

Well I’ve never been so glad to start my monthlies and it’s not because I was worried about being pregnant!  Nope it was because I’ve been experimenting whether not drinking alcohol has affected my hormones and moods on my monthly cycle and I can confirm it most certainly appears that way.  The only symptoms I’ve had this month were minimal and even the increased appetite beforehand wasn’t as bad as it normally is!  So that’s has re-affirmed my decision to not purchase any of the red stuff for a good while, never say never but the way I feel this month compared to previous months, there ain’t nothing that tastes better than that feeling!  I’ve never bought into the ‘nothing tastes as good as skinny feels’ philosophy but there really is nothing that tastes better than feeling healthy and happy and that is how I feel right now.  I also believe that weight loss becomes a side effect of the healthy and happy state, so I have no doubt that I am going to get these last few pounds off that have thwarted me for the last 18 months, yes I have been playing the yo-yo game with the same half stone for that long and it all started when my monthly cycle changed and my moods started being affected before then I’ve never had problems, I now believe that adding alcohol to the equation has magnified the systems and I’m not willing to feel tired, grumpy, moody, emotional anymore than I have to!  Why would I want to inflict that unpleasantness on myself for a few moments of a nice tasting red wine – I wouldn’t, so from now on I won’t.

You can use the same thought pattern with food if you think about it, if you aren’t happy with the way you look, if you feel any negative emotions because of your physical size or any discomfort, or health issues such as heartburn, indigestion, or worse then why continue to overeat and make yourself ill, when eating healthy and happy could make such a difference? 
I do appreciate it’s not that simple – I really do, but just for a moment pretend it is.  Just for a moment believe in yourself and your strength, believe that you have the ability to change anything you wish.

Do you think it’s been easy to not drink my red wine?  This is the lady who had over 50 bottles of wine bought her for Christmas, it’s the one thing I spend more time looking at in Supermarkets than anything else, yet I decided to believe in myself and knew I wouldn’t have a glass until at least 21 days later, it just so happens I’ve realised I would rather feel better than enjoy a glass.
Is that MacDonalds or Chinese takeaway worth not feeling comfortable in your jeans or on the beach this summer in your swimwear?

Is that slab of chocolate worth risking diabetes?  That one’s harder to imagine because we all think we’re indestructible, we believe it won’t happen to us!

Is that butter on your toast worth having high cholesterol?

Go find a mirror – NOW!

Go on and have a good, long look at your reflection then ask yourself honestly, is not focusing on the healthy and happy worth what you’re looking at now?  Are you 100% happy with who you are and how you feel?  I’m not saying don’t love every inch of that person you’re looking at because that’s the most important thing in the world, to love yourself regardless of what’s looking back at you because you are a one off, a perfectness that can never be replicated. 

Okay have you thought, is the perfectness that is you happy with their reflection or would you like to see changes for whatever reason, I’d be happy for your reasons to be health related but I know that for a lot of you it’s a visual thing and that’s okay too as long as the route you take to losing the weight is a healthy route none of this quick fix, unenjoyable malarkey.

21 days – what could you benefit from cutting out or changing for 21 days?  Will you?

8 weeks to Summer, that’s what we’re focusing on this week, setting ourselves our own individual challenge to focus on, I’ve already decided on mine, it’s this;

My 8 week challenge is to not gain and to get into the next stone bracket!

My commitments this week are
- to have fruit & veg with every meal.
-Track everything.
- Ask myself is it worth it.
- Drink water.

My members will be choosing theirs in our meetings, some have already done it in our closed facebook group, I love my meetings – Weight Watchers works because of the group support and I get it from them as much as they get it from me.

Have a great day BeYOUtiful, I’m off to get me another glass of water.

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