Monday 14 April 2014

7 of my 21 days done.

14th April 2014
The first step to getting anywhere is decided you’re no longer willing to say where you are.

Another glorious day on the way by the looks of the sunrise this morning, Spring is my favourite season, it really is, new life starting everywhere around us, buds bursting into flower and the birds nesting – I did enjoy my walk yesterday morning through the farmers fields, I even put my phone away long enough to soak it all in.

The scales say I’ve lost 2lb, that’s a week of Filling & Healthy and I’m starting Day 8 of my 21 days no alcohol decision.  I haven’t worried about HOW MUCH of the F&H foods I ate because I was experimenting, this week wasn’t about weight loss so much as surviving a week without wine, so if I’ve been peckish I’ve had something, usually a sandwich with a bit of cold meat on.  I’ve spent 54 extra ProPoints, that doesn’t include any “I’ve forgotten or ignored”, we all do it, ‘forget, underestimate, lie” about the odd bit, for me it would have been the tasters in the supermarket this weekend!  I polished off my 49 weeklies and the extras would come out of the 18pp I earned on my pedometer.

To be honest this week wasn’t about weight loss at all, I actually in truth ain’t as bothered about the numbers on the scale as I am about feeling better, I want to be energised, I want to be healthy, I want to be happy – that is by far more important than anything I can read on a set of scales.  The benefit of striving to achieve a ‘healthy and happy’ state is that weight loss usually becomes a side effect; it does for me anyway because suddenly food isn’t as important, and it isn’t the centre of my day. For example yesterday it was just something we did because it was gone lunch time or because we’d got a little peckish on the night. 

For breakfast I had an egg and ham toastie, for lunch we had chicken casserole and Actifry chips, then for tea I opted for a beef and cottage cheese sandwich because I just needed a bit of food and wasn’t fussed oh and because I’d had two rock cakes. 

I’d spent my day taking Alfie for a long walk through the farmer’s fields first thing enjoying the yellow rape fields and watching the birds flying round busily.  I’d then painted for a bit, only rocks to decorate the garden, I’m no artist I just enjoy being creative – you don’t have to be brilliant to enjoy thing, you just have to do them.  I also listened to my books whilst painting, haven’t caught up with reading for a while.  Next I sat and enjoyed the SuperMan movie on Sky, I want to go and see the follow up at the cinema now, it was really entertaining and for a change I was totally engaged in the film rather than it just being on and me staring at the screen.  When that had finished I baked some rock cakes for mom to enjoy, indulged in a couple myself using the last of my weeklies.  Then finally I had an hour or two scrapbooking last year’s holiday photos – it’s took me this long to get around to it.

 Normally on a Sunday, I loll about doing not much but watching tv and walking Alfie if I have to – that’s been the norm for the last 6 months or so anyway.  Why was it different this Sunday?  Maybe the change in weather it was sunny after all, although that isn’t the first bright Sunday we’ve had this year I’m sure!  I believe it was more to do with the fact I’ve taken care of myself this week, I’ve eaten good healthy nourishing food, I’ve stayed away from alcohol and I’ve made sure I’ve got enough sleep.  I’ve also realised that it’s important to make time for me to do the things that I want to do, not just the time but to ensure I have the energy to do those things when that time arrives!

I read and research a great deal about the subjects that interest me, it helps me to help myself and others, and one thing I’ve read that I finally 100% agree with is this; if you aren’t nourishing yourself in some way you are punishing yourself!
Up until now I’ve not been able to agree with it wholeheartedly because by doing so I would have to admit I was in some way punishing myself on those occasions that I wasn’t nourishing myself, and that would be rubbish because I love me, I accept the skin I’m in – don’t I?  Well maybe not otherwise why would I drink as regularly as I do and sap all my energy when this weekend I’ve proven to myself the difference not drinking makes.  It’s not just booze either, eating badly does the same thing to me, if I eat enough of the bad stuff. 

Why am I punishing myself – that bit I’m still not sure off but I have decided I’m not doing it anymore!  I’m not saying I’m never going to indulge in the red stuff ever again but I can say I don’t wish to drink for the sake of it and wake up feeling lethargic with no energy to do anything, just because I don’t wake up with a banging hangover doesn’t mean the booze isn’t having after effects.

So what do you make of that idea, “When we aren’t nourishing ourselves in some way we are punishing ourselves.”

Mmm interesting thought isn’t it, whenever I’ve read it in the past I’ve gone on the defensive because I didn’t like the idea that in some way I was punishing myself when I’ve spent years working on being a “happy owl”.  Okay how do we punish ourselves with food – well you can overeat, you could starve yourself, you can punish yourself by eating unhealthy food & feeling lousy or getting ill, you could eat a fattening diet and not exercise because you think for whatever reason you don’t deserve to be healthy and happy.  Why?  I don’t know why you do it, I’ve still got to work out why I do it!  To be honest do I even have to work out why, does it matter as long as I’ve realised I’m doing it and I do everything I can to stop it, why do I need to know the reasons behind it!  I’m not a big fan of dwelling on the past, on the reasons I turned out the way I did, I’d rather invest my energy on my present and the person I wish to become!

I think it’s important to accept its okay to not be perfect, it’s ok if you don’t do things right, it’s okay to be you!

But I finally agree with the idea that if we are not nourishing ourselves then on some level we are punishing, sometimes it’s really obvious but sometimes it can be extremely subtle.  Therefore I’m asking myself and maybe you could ask yourself how can I ensure that I stop with the punishments and focus on a path of nourishment.  What are the punishments I need to let go of, what are the ways I punish myself and how do I let go of them.  I could go on and on about this subject, it’s really got my attention but I won’t because I’ve already waffled for long enough!

Deep thinking for a Monday maybe but hey just like Spring, Monday is typically a day for beginnings too.

Eat Gorgeous BeYOUtiful, focus on the healthy and happy. xx

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