Sunday 30 March 2014

Appreciate what you have.

30th March 2014
The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.  James E Faust

Strong!  That’s what I was yesterday, stronger than I wanted to be, I’d bought mom bread pudding, scones and shortbread biscuits and all three I likes a lot but I only cut a small piece about an inch of bread pudding to taste, the rest I left!  Check me out, I’ve got one day to get through before I get my weeklies back, I’ve used them all and all 26 of my pedometer ProPoints too, I’m minus 1, so should get that back on pedometer today and I’ll do a F&H day and not have a drink and I’ll have made it through the week!

Mothers Day, I hope you all get looked after today, mom will get breakfast in bed – she gets that every morning anyway, then I’ll cook her a nice dinner, mmm I do that every day too – I think Mothers Day is every day in this house!   Maybe we should have a Beverley day ;-)

Every day should be mother’s day as moms get older, think of all the things they did for you when you were growing up, my mom was and still is amazing, I’m just trying to repay her for all the things she did & still does for me!  There’s the obvious stuff, like doing your washing and ironing, but then there’s that other stuff like bringing you up to believe you’re amazing and can achieve anything you want to but at the same time that it’s ok not to be the best at everything and to something’s get things wrong.  My mom always made me feel safe and loved, I have ‘moments’ in my life flashing through my head right now of times when the only person I wanted and needed was my mom and she was there – she may be getting older but she’ll always have that special quality that makes her the best mom in the world - she’s an incredible lady with a wicked sense of humour.   One example of her natural humour (she doesn’t even realise she’s doing it, she’s just making conversation) happened yesterday, we’re eating our dinner and she pipes up, “you cook all the cabbage even the middle bit!" Me "it's Kale". Mom "it's vile, it tastes like privet".  Nothing like a thank you for cooking someone's dinner is there!
Yes if you are lucky enough to still have your mom, make sure you make her day special today, and if you’ve lost your mom, spend some time today thinking about the good times rather than dwelling on the sadness that’s she’s gone. xx

Back to yesterday the morning was all work, yesterday afternoon was a massage followed by Harry Potter, sat and finished number 3 then watched number 4, I’m all chilled out and ready to ‘do’ today now, so much I can be doing!  Housework is never ending isn’t it, I can work on Weight Watcher stuff forever that’s never-ending too.  So I’ll do a bit of both, walk Alfie for mom and see if she fancies doing anything then we can chill out together later.  

Dinner’s already cook, a chicken curry made in the slow cooker, I’ll serve that with brown rice, I’m enjoying beans for some reason this week – had them for breakfast yesterday and might have them again today!  I need to shop already, can’t believe how quickly a shopping list grows, that’ll probably be tomorrow now though, I’ve got enough food for today, and if I buy more I’ll only be tempted by the niceness I’ve put on that list ;0) I want to make mom those rice crispie cakes, and the rock cakes from weeks back but I’m going to had crystallized ginger like one of my members did mmm, there’s also an amazing looking chocolate  cake thing in this month’s magazine that needs making – all sweet stuff, that will need rationing, so today’s not the day to make them.  I’ve also been fancying Ryvita lately; they’ll make a quick breakfast when I’m in a rush.

Anyway I can hear movement so it’s time to go do the ‘mother’s day’ thing, have a good one yourself and BeYOUtiful. xx

Don’t forget the clocks went forward in the night!

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