Tuesday 11 February 2014

I'm a fit 40 something - the nurse agreed :)

11th February 2014
“The greatest wealth is Health.”  ~Unknown

Well I’m well enough for work, have a feeling my voice may not agree with me by the end of the week but I’m betting there are many people would appreciate me being quiet!

I had my middle-age health check with the nurse yesterday and I’m happy to say I passed, my risk of having a heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years is 1.98%, I’m happy with that statistic I have to say.  

Regarding exercise and how active I was, as soon as I told the nurse I hit 10,000 steps a day on my pedometer, she wrote that I was active on my forms, she wasn't interested in the gym and exercise after that!  I’m aware that I haven’t hit that the last week with being poorly, I will be doing though and I will be ensuring I do it every day!  As soon as this weather calms down and drys up I shall be getting my walking boots on and dragging my bestie up a few hills, my other bestie now lives by the chase so I’ll be waking her up on a Sunday morning I think and dragging her out for a walk too – kicking and screaming if necessary!

I saw a meal planner on facebook yesterday and loved the idea so much I’ve just made myself one;

Pick about 30 recipes/meals you enjoy, write the name, plus which book/pg it came from if applicable. (on the other side if you want u could list the ingredients needed to make your shopping list from).  You then have a reusable, main meal planner/tracker!  The two boxes at the top are for the meal cards and you put them in the right one once they’ve been cooked.  I will add to the cards as and when I make meals and come up with ideas.  I do really like this idea though, and it’s something you could get the kids making in half term.  Ain’t it amazing what you can do with a piece of cardboard, a gift bag, 7 pegs and large oxo cube boxes and some glue stick? ;)  

My appetites not been great because of my lurgy but I did enjoy egg, peas and chips yesterday for my dinner/tea, 400g potatoes cooked in the Actifry for 9pp, dry fried egg 2pp and peas 1pp – absolutely delicious, I even had a slice of bread and Weight Watcher spread for a worth it 2pp.

Bought some Kiwi fruit to give myself a vitamin C boost also, that should help get my immunity levels back up, together with staying away from the old vino and eating healthy, it can all only help my health improve. 

I can’t recall if I’ve mentioned it in a previous blog but anyways, I’m doing 100 happy days, a cute idea I read about online to remind ourselves that life is good, so I thought we could do 100 healthy days!  It’s so easy to focus on our slip ups when we’re losing weight, I read so many posts saying things like, “Oh no I’ve blown it, I …….” That kind of thing, rather than bigging yourself up by saying something like, “check me out, I just said no to a biscuit and had an apple instead!” or “Woo Hoo, just hit healthy on my pedometer”, so that’s the mission should you choose to accept it, 100 healthy days, it can be photos or a facebook or twitter post, just start the post #100healthydays then write what you’ve done to make it that way, or post your photo that’s proof, you can post as many as you want.  Even better tag me in the post @Bev’s Weight Watchers or post on my Bev’s Weight Watcher facebook page or @bev_ww twitter, let’s get facebook/twitter healthy shall we!

Right I need to get ready for work – unprepared is an understatement, have a great day, BeYOUtiful, Healthy & Happy, because you can!

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