Friday 7 February 2014

I took a vacation to GreedyVille - it sure ain't pretty!

7th February 2014
“I’m a sharer.  When you give of yourself, you get back.  I had to share it, so I called all my overweight friends.” Jean Nidetch (Weight Watchers founder)


Have you ever been there?  I spent the last week and a bit there, the brochure sure looks nice but when you arrive, there ain’t no sunshine and it rains most of the time.  The foods, fast and cheap and it don’t fill you up neither.  Most of its sweet which seems good but then you end up feeling bloated and sickly by the end of the day – well I did anyway!  I’ve never been so glad to leave after taking a break from living in my Weight Watcher World.  

Seriously it all started with a bag of fish & chip crisps last Thursday and went downhill from there, I don’t know what was possessing me, I’ve eaten chocolate brownies, sponge cake, leftover dark chocolate from the ingredients, breakfast biscuits, WW peanut bars, the new WW cookie bars, I’ve been walking round like a lobster grabbing anything that was within reach.  Then I’ve not been great with my meals either, and if I see another Warburton Thin or bacon medallion, I think I’ll cry!

Thankfully I made a pact with Batman yesterday (long story) and we both agreed no more junk, back to eating healthy and I managed to get back on track.  The bad news is Batman has given me his man flu, and I didn’t even get that close to him, it was a virtual conversation so how I don’t know I caught it.  I feel like death this morning, it’s even hurting me to type, I’d go take some drugs but that would involve movement again and I’m not ready for that yet ;(, just cancelled my nice lunch date with my bestie, I just couldn’t drive, everything hurts from my head to my toes.  So the plan of action today is get my paperwork done and go back to bed.

On a positive, and I have no idea how, I’ve lost a pound this week!  I gained two last week which was the after effects of my birthday and I genuinely expected another gain today because of me taking that trip to GreedyVille but thankfully I’ve got away with it, just need to stay on the healthy now so it doesn’t catch me up.

So my donor kebab blog yesterday got a little bit of attention, I have to say I was surprised when I’ve looked this morning and it’s had 2,800 views!  Made me smile because it shows not only how many Weight Watchers are out there but that you’re all supporting each other on your journey’s and sharing information.  That’s really wonderful to know, as my quote this morning says, Jean Nidetch had to share her idea and we’re all continuing in her footsteps.  

Eating out can be a minefield, a couple of other examples I’ve blogged previously that you may not have seen are;

Or the chow mein from the local Chinese at approximately 18/19pp

You might not always be able to ProPoint meals out accurately but you can guestimate, just try to make it a realistic guestimation!   I mean it says in the Eat Out guide that a name bread is 23pp I think, this one of course wouldn’t be that low!

 Use your common sense when tracking!
This was my day yesterday, 26pp total for 3 meals;

Breakfast 9pp or F&H - scrambled egg & tomato on toasted thin (believe it or not I couldn't find the porridge!)

Dinner - 12pp - chicken with cheese and bacon, wholegrain rice & courgettes

Tea - 5pp or F&H - 5 minute veggie noodles - much healthier than last night & and faster as no queuing to be served!
I’m off, I feel like death, hope you all have a wonderful day xx I’m gonna be doing some sleeping I hope!

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