Saturday 14 December 2013

No Christmas miracle this week!

14th December 2013
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.  African proverb

Morning all, I’m a bit more awake and aware this morning than I was yesterday, still got a lovely head cold but it’s running it’s course and I feel better than I did yesterday, a nice relaxing weekend I think and plenty of good healthy food, I may even have soup, I hear chicken soup is good for the soul!

Yesterday didn’t have a Christmas miracle, I didn’t stay on track, however I could’ve done a lot worse, I won’t use it as an excuse to stay off track though, I need to eat healthy to get well.
It’s that time of year isn’t it where a lot of us don’t want to go crazy, but then get caught up in the moment and overindulge because everyone else is then wake up the next morning regretting it, and regret it even more on weigh day.  Please don’t beat yourselves up, one day, one week or even one month doesn’t decide your weight for the rest of the year, or your health.  Take it one day at a time, don’t get beating yourself up the next day, trying to scrape it back and limit the damage, just draw a line,

Even if you end up with what looks like a ruled writing pad for all the lines you’ve drawn, that’s better than going into full on blow out, self sabotage which just ends up with you feeling totally awful and guilty.  The last thing you need at this time of year (at any time of year actually) is stress, as it affects how we digest food so therefore in my belief it won’t help your weight loss journey at all.  Getting all wound up over the numbers on the scales, over how much exercise you need to do to burn x amount of calories, how much weight you need to lose to get to that next size down – it isn’t helping, simply put the part of our brains that turns on stress, turns off digestion.  And funnily enough, the part of the brain that turns on the relaxation response turns on full, healthy digestive power.  Eating healthy food is only half of the story of good nutrition, you’re body will struggle to digest it if you’re under stress or you’re only eating it because ‘it’s gonna get you thin’ and are therefore resentful.  

So chill out, focus on enjoying the food you eat, isn’t it better to lose 1/2lb a week for 50 weeks of the year then gain 2lb a week for the two weeks at Christmas, than a year that looks something like this;
4lb off, 2lb off, 2lb off, 3lb on, 2lb on, s/s, s/s….. You get the gist! 

At 1/2lb a week, it’s almost two stone a year, however it’s likely to stay off better than if you do that all or nothing thing! 

I was just as guilty as the next this week when I got on the scales and had 2lb loss, I wanted more – the old me crept back in and I didn’t like her – she’s ugly, not in looks, in attitude!  I never want to go back to that person, that emotional place.  Nope, I’m happy with healthy and happy eating as often as I can and enjoying the overindulgence when I succumb to temptation.
It’s almost Christmas, personally I can’t wait and I will embrace the indulging with both hands open :)

Before then, I’m going to have a healthy, happy day so I can get better – it’ll still be delicious though!

BeYOUtiful & give yourself a break. xx

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