Monday 23 December 2013

Loved yesterday I did ;)

23rd December 2013
As soon as you get over caring what people think, you can have a nice time. Lara Flynn Boyle

I had a near perfect day yesterday, not having to rush anywhere or get anything particular done at any specific time meant I could just sit and listen to mom without being distracted, that's the curse of this busy world, we’re rarely ‘in the moment’ because we all have so much to do. 
And she really is worth listening to, we did giggle yesterday afternoon, she says the funniest things, such as;
Me; "name a famous Rudolph mom other than the reindeer"
Mom; "Rudolph Nureyev"
Me; "how'd you spell that"
Mom; "R U D O L P H"
Me; “really!
This classic line from mom made me really titter, she’s reading the tv guide and her comment on Christmas TV was "they bring the same shit out every Christmas, they think we've got shit memories!" Erm yeah you have mom!
I’m no better though, I sat moaning about how rubbish the TV guide I’d bought was as all the programmes were wrong - I wasn’t impressed as I’d especially bought a Welsh one! I then realised I was reading the wrong day! doh!
She sat telling me about all her ailments because she was after me making her a cuppa tea, I said, "oh moms playing the poorly card", she replied "no I ay poorly - I'm just dying”, gotta love her bluntness!
Watching a film on the afternoon, we had this conversation;
Mom; "Who's he again, not the young one"
Me; "The young one ain't a he!"
Mom; "Are you sure? Ain't he ever been a boy?!"
Me; "No mom, that's Natalie Portman!"
She’s  just a star, isn’t she!
Anyways at 10am I entered the Tesco Cardigan store to do the “CHRISTMAS FOOD SHOP”, if you haven’t received a Christmas card from me or mom, just in case you were wondering, we’re not sending them this year instead we’ve spent the money on wine and chocolate ;-).  Three hours I was in that shop, doing what I do best – food shopping, I sang along to the Christmas music being played, one shelf stacker said to me “I can feel a duet coming on”, I replied, “no problem, but you’ll have to wait – I’ve got to go back for peanut butter!”   Most people were walking round pulling their faces and moaning about the crowds, I on the other hand was in my element having a great time.  3 large trolley’s and 1 small trolley I filled, no one got in the queue behind me for some reason ;), bless the old lady in the queue next to me, she helped load the conveyor belt for me, whilst an army cadet lad helped me pack the stuff the other end into cardboard boxes.  I treated the old dear to a bottle of wine, took it off her shopping and put it through with mine (that proper confused the lady on the other till!)  Then I had two cadet lads help me take it all to my car and they even loaded it up for me, they were collecting for the Welsh Cadets, so I gave them something too.  It's what Christmas is all about isn’t it, being nice to people, making time to pass the time of day and smile more is something people should slow down and do, there’s too much misery going on out there.   
I didn’t think I was going to fit it all in the fridge, its one of those double door American jobby’s but it’s actually not got much shelf space, however I’ve found another fridge in the utility room so we managed.  The oven however is another issue altogether, cooking Christmas dinner in this is going to be fun – NOT!

One shelf only and that’s not even very big, good job I didn’t buy a huge turkey as it wouldn’t have fit it.  We’ll have a giggle cooking I’m sure, we could serve the main course is sittings, turkey first, roasters second lol.
So moms just writing a list of the things she forgot so I can go get them, piriton, germaline, talc, all the important things you have to have at Christmas for a complete fun time ;) 
On that note I’ll wish you happy Christmas Eve, Eve ;)
Remember Eat Gorgeous, BeYOUtiful and give everyone a big smile and a hello today. xx

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