Wednesday 4 December 2013

Joining a Weight Watchers meeting today I am!

4th December 2013
Good support is like having street lights along the road... It doesn’t make the distance any shorter, but it makes the road easier to navigate.

Decisions, decisions, it’s only 5.02am and I’ve already made my first cup of tea and stood in the kitchen weighing bread, 2 slices of Warburton wholemeal = 3pp, 2 slices of Burgen soya & linseed = 4pp, the Warburton is also a Filling & Healthy option.  

What am I doing?  I’m trying to decide whether to have a ProPointing day or a Filling & Healthy day, love Burgen bread however I know I’ll get more food overall if I go for the F&H option, then there’s the milk in my tea, I’ll have to ProPoint that too.  Mmm as I said decisions, decisions.
Now a new member who joined last week said to me it’s so much effort, well maybe you can look at it in that way or you can realise you have to make food choices every day regardless of whether you’re trying to lose weight or not and personally I’m worth the effort of spending some time taking care of me.

Today I’m off to a Weight Watcher meeting as a member, I need that accountability back and I also need that time for me, there’s three of us going together so we’ll be able to support and encourage each other along inbetween meetings and we’ll have an hour for us once a week to catch up and have a natter.

Why am I joining when there’s only three more weigh-ins before Christmas you may be thinking, well because if I don’t there’s a chance I’ll be starting the New Year with an extra half stone registering on the scales.  When I’m weighing myself it’s just not the same as having to stand on a set of scales in front of someone else, the accountability isn’t there in the bathroom in the morning.  I also realised yesterday I need that group support, the lightbulb went on when I was talking to two visitors from the NHS who had came to see what happens in a Weight Watchers meeting.  Of course it’s the norm for me so I just do it week in, week out, but sitting and talking to those two and explaining what Weight Watchers is all about made me realise what I was missing out of by not being a member in a meeting and I want some of that for me. Weight Watchers works because of the group support!  The lady from the NHS at the end of the meeting thanked me, told me she’d enjoyed it a great deal, said I was wasted in a WW meeting and suggested I should be on the stage (that made me smile, it’s not the first time I’ve heard that said) and then she said, “you could do what you do with any diet and get the same effect”, ooo interesting but I don’t agree.  This lady had never been on a diet, never tried to lose weight and openly admitted to not understanding the mind of a dieter.  I am a natural motivator maybe however I shine in a Weight Watcher meeting because I’m passionate about the plan, I don’t believe in any other diet, so I couldn’t do it regardless of the system.  I don’t believe ‘diets’ work, not long term anyway, they help you lose weight short term through deprivation and then you regain it at a later date.  Whereas Weight Watchers is a lifestyle change and my approach is to get my members to think differently, it isn’t just about weight loss, it’s about loving the skin you’re in, the body you were born with and taking care of it because you love yourself, weight loss then becomes a side effect of wanting to take care of yourself and Weight Watchers is a great tool to help you do that.

Yes I believe even when that weight has been lost a vast majority of us will still struggle to keep it off forever because we love food, we love life, we’re social creatures who like pleasure and that’s why our Weight Watchers meetings are always there to keep us in check and to remind us when we joined in the first place.

Okay back to the start, decisions, decisions ProPoints or F&H, oh man I don’t know, I’ll drink my tea then decide but I’m thinking chicken sandwich for lunch, maybe poached eggs on crumpets with a few baked beans for breakfast or even on toast.  I will decide on my tea then that will decide whether F&H or PP’s is todays’ choice – I do love choices ;) nearly as much as I love eating!

Have a great day, give yourself a midweek boost, don’t beat yourself up if you’ve not started your week off well, there’s still time to make that change.  

Eat Gorgeous & BeYOUtiful. xx

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