Friday 6 September 2013

Waking up feeling sexy with Ashton Kutcher!

6th September 2013

“Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.” Erma Bombeck
Thanks to Alfie and hormones I’ve not had a great night, he woke me up at half two because he wanted to go out and because he’s had a bad stomach I let him, then I couldn’t go back to sleep for a couple of hours then finally nodded off, I reckon I’ve still managed six hours, luckily I haven’t got to go anywhere today.  Apparently sleep deprivation causes people to eat higher calorie foods and can make you fat!  Yeah some scientists did an experiment which the Mail Online reported on yesterday, seriously scientists can “prove” anything they decide to especially if they’re paid to!  Of course being tired will encourage you to eat more, that didn’t need a test to prove, if you’re tired and haven’t had any sleep you need energy, the best way to get energy is to eat food and the quickest way to do that is to eat high calorie foods – I could’ve been a scientist too! Not forgetting the fact you’re awake for more hours so there’s more time to be tempted if you’re like me and most of the people I know because we’re easily tempted!  I best they could do another test to prove that if people live in a sweet shop for a week, they’ll eat more sweets!  Ridiculous some research projects are aren’t they?

Obviously most of my members have slept well this week because they’ve lost a tremendous thirty stone between them, it was also lovely to see so many returning smiling moms glad to have their darlings back in schools so they could refocus on themselves a little more.

As I’m writing this, I’m watching a video of Ashton Kutcher who’s talking about how he got where he is today and he’s just said “Opportunity looks a lot like hard work!” how true is that, putting a Weight Watcher slant on it, how many of you have sat in a meeting and heard someone say “yeah I lost 2lb this week, that’s 2 stone now” and you’re sitting there thinking “lucky bitch”, erm no, luck had nothing to do with it, that’s down to hard work!
He also talks about being ‘sexy’ and he says “the sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart, being thoughtful and being generous, everything else is just crap I promise you that people try to sell to you, to make you feel like less, so don’t buy it – be smart, be thoughtful and be generous”

So this morning I’m sat here in my pj’s knowing I’m SEXY because Ashton Kutcher just told me so, now that’s not a bad way to start my day, I’m smart, thoughtful and generous so he was obviously including me in that speech, heck he was talking about me cos he was looking right at me!
Watch it, it’s good!

So today you sexy beast, have a good one, Eat Gorgeous, BeYOUtiful and strut your sexy stuff.  I think that’s enough for one day J



  1. Ashton Kutcher doesn't do it for me,sorry

  2. Scientific Fact: 100% of people who eat carrots die.

  3. Martin I think thou does protest too much :)
    He doesn't do it for me either to be fair. x
