Saturday 27 July 2013

The Diet Demon made me his Buffet Bitch!

27th July 2013

Some pursue happiness, others create it.

Good morning all, so yesterday I was up at 5am and left the house early to drive to Leeds for an all day training session, then I popped into see my cousin on the way home whom I hadn’t seen for years, and didn’t get home till 11pm, so I’ve only just got up because I was shattered ;-)

Great day though, I got to meet up with a couple of leader friends and seeing my cousin after all these years was fab, I love how we grow and change and my word how we’d both changed for the better, she used to be a proper little princess and I used to be a little sh&t, mmm did only one of us change because I’m sure my mom would say I still am on of those ;)  No it was great to catch up and natter, she even fed me and it was a Weight Watcher recipe, spinach and ricotto pancakes (recipe in complete kitchen) absolutely delicious and she made the pancakes herself too!  Impressed I was!


Just in case you were worried folks, I’m now trained to be a fabulous leader ;-) so that was a day well spent, so if I haven’t seen you for a while, come back and tell me if you can tell the difference!

BUFFET!  That’s all I’m saying and for a lot of you reading you will understand me without any further explanation.  Yesterday when I arrived at the hotel, I was early because I don’t like rushing and there was a ‘conference cafĂ©’ with a FREE breakfast bar, cereal, muffins, cakes, biscuits, fruit, juice, smoothies, coffee, fruit & nut and chocolate covered raisins!  Oh my days, two words – FREE FOOD, another two words – WAS HUNGRY, oh and another two words – WEIGHT WATCHER!  Now not all Weight Watchers but myself and a good many other fellow watchers will understand the feelings I’m about to explain, it’s like a gnawing inside, a longing, a yearning, a voice in your head and also in your stomach and I’m not talking love, well I am but not for a fellow human being I’m talking the effect food laid out in front of you with “help yourself” written on it has on me.  I wasn’t bad, I totally ignored all the cake stuff, I had a bowl of bran flakes, a smoothie, a coffee and a little tub of fruit & nut,

What’s scary is I worked that little lot out to be about 18pp because I’m sure the milk was full fat and well fruit & nut although a healthy choice is loaded with calories and ProPoints.

We then had a morning of learning stuff, followed by lunch at 1pm, oh my days BUFFET – FREE FOOD, and the worst word you can add to that collection DELICIOUS!  Doomed I was, normally buffet food is a bit rubbish, it’s maybe been there too long and goes a bit cold I like my food hot or its just not the best.  But nooooo this was good and it’s like looking at a HD 4D (cos there’s smellivision too) menu isn’t it, I already get struggle to order because I’ve got excited sitting and reading the choices in a physical menu in a restaurant so when that menu has been set out in real life terms in front of me to choose from, well what can I say; I get all confused; then I get all excited; then I can’t decide; then my plate just isn’t big enough; then I start being aware that the other people might think I’m being greedy; then I think do I care what the other people in the line think of me; then I question whether I should really be mixing 3 or 4 different mains on a plate with chips; then I think I want salad but if I have that first as a starter the rest of the food might be gone or cold and I’ll be miffed that I missed out; then I decide I can go back for salad because I can’t fit anymore on this small plate; then I sit down and look at my plate and don’t know where to start; then I realise the pasta is the tastiest thing on my plate and I start to wish I’d had more of that and less of something else; then I taste the fish & I don’t usually like batter but this is delicious (it was on like a big fish finger – justifying my greed there a little); then I look to see how quick the other people at my table are eating & realise I won that race, even though I didn’t want too; then I sit mulling over whether I should go get some more of the pasta or just a bit the salad like planned; then I get and go back and I really want more pasta but I know if I have it in half hour my belly will hurt & I won’t be able to focus on the afternoons learning because I’m be in a carb coma; I resist and grab some salad but sneak another fish thing on my plate as I walk back to the table; then I’m glad there isn’t a desert I fancy; then some fool draws my attention to the cheese & crackers; I think noooo don’t do it, you’re wasting valuable weekly ProPoints here; then I cave have 2 crackers and just a little bit of each of the 3 cheeses (10pp!); then I continue to sit with my back to the buffet to try to forget its there; then I see the skinny training lady sitting eating her ample plate of food nonchalantly & I think “it’s soooo unfair”; then I look at my clock and realise it’s time to go back to the training and I’m relieved! 
 This was the only plate I wanted you to see!

This is why I don’t like BUFFETS!  Because as delicious as they are, they are extremely uncomfortable, stressful situations that usually blow your weekly ProPoints allowance!  I don’t want all that choice, I grew up in a house where we ate egg and chips every day except Sunday when we got a roast, and if we were lucky pudding was a sugar sandwich.  Don’t give me a table of cooked delicious choice because I revert to a ten year old who used to get excited over school dinners and this is like fancy posh school dinners for grown ups!

Rant Over ;)

Oh no it isn’t, we broke for afternoon tea and beggar me, there’s biscuits, cakes and wait for it sweets!  Oh yeah, I reckon there was some dude out the back who worked for the buffet devil, and he’d got in touch with him and said, “guess what, that buffet bitch who we thought we owned resisted the cakes at breakfast and the puddings at lunch, I thought we had her nailed, she’s still within her weekly ProPoints – what shall I do!” and the buffet devil said, oh I know her she can resist that stuff, her weakness is booze but she won’t drink because she’s driving, mmm what can I do to get her.  “TING” he remembers, he aims, he shoots, he scores!  He then tells his buffet employee, “she’s a sucker for sweets and a lollypop, but not just any lollipop because as a child she didn’t really get sweets often so she can resist most of them, but those chalky ones that you scrape your teeth over to eat and get a bit at a time, she likes them, and because they’re wrapped up, we may be able to tempt her to take a handful.  Then just incase for good measure, but those chewy and fizzy cola bottles there too, she loves them!

Yeah it was like my very own demon had made me his buffet bitch!  I caved, but was still restrained, I had 3 sweets & two lollies, still 3pp though – gone!

So this is why I never walk down the sweet aisle in the supermarket, nor look at that counter in the garage or newsagents because being strong and resisting isn’t always possible!

And breathe Beverley…

So it’s Saturday morning and I reckon I’ve used 33 of my weeklies to be on the safe side, if I say breakfast was 18pp, lunch was 30pp, tea was 8pp and my sweets were 3pp, my dailies cover breakfast and tea, thank goodness I have 18 activity ProPoints earned and double thank goodness I’ve not had a drink for 3 days, so I have 34pp on top of my dailies plus any more I can earn to last me the weekend.

Oh my days, I have rambled haven’t I ;) Right I’m off, have a good day, and if you did make it to the end of my blog and recognise yourself, learn from my mistakes lol.

Eat Gorgeous not Greedy!




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