Friday 12 July 2013

Here's to a Fruity Friday...

12th July 2013
I am in competition with no one. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any way, shape or form. I just aim to improve, to be better that I was before. That’s me and I am free. — Unknown
Well I made it through my first days of the fruit challenge set by Pam, 5 x 80g portions of fruit, I had 80g of blue berries on my breakfast, a tray of mixed fruit that a member bought me from Co-op which had mango, pineapple, melon and kiwi in, then I finished it off with a banana, actually easier than I expected because I won’t like I wasn’t looking forward to it!
I’ve been and bought some blueberries and cherries for today and I’m going to make a smoothie for my breakfast I thinks.
Now this is a personal challenge which you’re all welcome to join in, I just thought I’d emphasise that the government guidelines lines have always been 5 a day of mixed fruit and veggies not just fruit.   New research has found that eating your five a day increases life expectancy by around three years and even managing just three a day can give you an 18 month advantage over those who didn't eat fruit and veg every day.Fruit and veg can add years to your life , it backs up the World Health Organisation’s recommendations that we should all eat at least 400g of fruit and veg a day.  That’s a lot of fruit and veg, then there’s a lot of nutritionists actually suggest we aim for more like eight portions, with five of those being vegetables.  So what’s a portion?  It’s a single fruit such as apple or banana, or a handful of small fruits, eg, two kiwis, two satsumas or two plums and for even smaller fruits such as berries and cherries, a portion is more like seven or eight.  For larger fruits such as mangoes and melons, half of the full fruit counts as a portion.

A portion of veg is around the size of your palm for uncooked veggies such as raw broccoli florets or carrots. Once cooked, a measure of three heaped tablespoons counts as a portion.  There are a couple of vegetables that don't count including potatoes, which are classed as starchy carbs, yams and plantains. Onions and mushrooms do count, though – bonus!
Did you know frozen veggies are thought to be even better than fresh as they retain many of their nutrients that fresh food loses in its journey from field to plate?  Apparently tinned aren't as good as fresh or frozen but last longer and are cheaper which makes their nutrients good value for money. Both tinned and frozen should be eaten in the same portion sizes as fresh.
Even beans, lentils and pulses come under the five a day umbrella. Three heaped tablespoons of cooked beans counts as a portion. However, no matter how many varieties of bean or lentil you eat, they will only count as one every day.
Lastly fruit juice or smoothies count but it’s recommend you don't drink more than one glass a day as they aren't as good for you as eating the fruits whole, also fruit juice has to be ProPointed, so do shop bought smoothies!
So there you go, everything you need to know ;)
I intend to have a very relaxed day today, once I’ve got all my work done, I’m going to enjoy some of this sunshine we’ve been having – no fence painting for me today, I shall only be doing things that take my fancy, it’s a chill out day today, I think I have a massage this afternoon too, so that’ll be nice – must check diary!  Yeah mom and I shall mostly be enjoying sitting in our lovely back garden ;-) loves the summer I do ;-)
Here’s to a fruity Friday!  Eat Gorgeous BeYouTiful and remember you’re worth the effort. xx

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