Tuesday 18 June 2013

You don't have to be greedy to have a weight problem!

Tuesday 18th June 2013
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. ;-)
Weigh day for me today, will I or won’t I that is the question, I finished with 21 activity ProPoints remaining, I earned 57 on my pedometer in steps and I’ve weighed and measured everything so we shall see.  Either way I’ve enjoyed the fact that food hasn’t been at the forefront of my mind this week and hopefully that will continue for the foreseeable. 
Couldn’t get in the garden yesterday because my back was breaking and the weather was a bit yucky, so instead I spent a few hours driving round the shops looking, I did pick up a few bargains and I’ve ordered my slate scree for the weekend so we can get a bit further along, once it’s done then I can add some pot plants and have a lower maintenance garden – I hope!
I bought a couple of ready meals on my way home, not usually my thing but they were only £2 in Asda and I fancied a cooked dinner, Birds Eye tradition chicken (10pp) or beef dinner (8pp), and personally I didn’t think they were too bad, not quite a Toby Carvery of course but you can’t get one of them for 8pp can you, if I’d had time I would have added more veggies maybe to bulk it out even more, having said that I was full afterwards for a few hours.
The yorkshire should be on the beef plate btw!

I’m thinking I may give filling and healthy a go today, I noticed towards the back end of yesterday I was hungrier than I have been over the past week so some bacon (with the fat trimmed off) and eggs for lunch with baked beans might just be what’s called for, I’d have them for breakfast but it’s weigh day ;-) so I’ll settle for a couple of rounds of Weight Watchers toast.  Talking about bread, here’s a photo I shared on Facebook yesterday too;
This proves that you don’t have to be greedy to have a weight problem, you just make different choices, bread is a prime example of how massively ProPoints can vary for a food which isn’t really that filling and is very easy to eat lots of!
And also the spreads, I make mom toast every morning so I weighed the butter that I put on her toast (I did this by weighing her toast, the zero-ing my WW scales, then I spread the butter on the toast and put it back on the scales to show the butter value only) and she has 4pp of butter on two slices of toast, I did the same with my Weight Watcher low fat spread and mine was zero, that’s 4pp saved and to be honest it tastes ok and did the job for breakfast.
It’s about choices and compromises I guess, yes I’d really quite enjoy 2 slices of seeded batch bread toasted with butter on for breakfast but that’ll set me back a total of 12pp, whereas if I have Weight Watchers with their spread it’s 3pp or even if I have a wholemeal bread for 5pp for 2 slices I’m still saving 7pp on my breakfast.  Scary isn’t it how easy it is to clock up those ProPoints, if you added a fried egg (4pp), some fried mushrooms with oil (2pp) and a few baked beans (4pp) you’re at 22pp already, heck throw on a slice or two of bacon and your daily allowance has gone!  So no you don’t have to be greedy to have a weight problem you just have to eat more than you body actually needs to survive which unfortunately is what we all seem to do these days because we’ve forgotten what our bodies actually do need.  When was the last time you waited until you were truly hungry to eat and then when you did listened to when it was satisfied again?  Try it, wait until your body tells you its actually hungry then see if you can stop when you’re full rather than overfull!  So not easy, trust me I’ve done it this last week and it’s really difficult especially if you really enjoy food.
On that note I better go get ready for an extremely busy day, here’s to a good one.  Eat Gorgeous (when hungry) and BeYouTiful. x

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