Monday 24 June 2013

Cruel to be kind - NAH, kind to be cured!

Monday 24th June 2013
Nature didn’t create you so you can try to be a second-rate version of someone else. So, quit comparing yourself to anyone else & BeYouTiful!
Well I had a real lazy day yesterday and I loved it, tatted about all morning then sat and watched two films (7 Psychopaths & The Perks of being a Wallflower) enjoyed both of them, the caught up on tv and fell asleep in front of it by 8.30, so early night.  Woke up at 3am to enjoy the super moon which looked beautiful and then slept till 6.30 and I’ve started my day with a bowl of porridge which I haven’t had for ages but really enjoyed.
Found a photo yesterday that said a banana a day = less achy joints.  Foods high in potassium have been shown to cut arthritis symptoms by 40%.  Well if that’s true I’m happy to eat one because my hands are hurting and I’d be willing to try it.  Someone also recommended to reduce the inflammation in my body I ate more Alkaline foods and less Acidic foods (not cut the acidic foods out altogether though) so I’ve looked into that a bit too over the weekend. 
Next my mate sent me an excerpt from a book she was reading which said
“Cruel foods don’t fulfil their delicious promise.  That’s just a front.  They really mean to destroy you.  If you are in despair, you are especially vulnerable to cruel foods and their evil charms.  Yes, the give you a little lift, but only so that they can bring you down after you’ve let them into your body.  They’ve hurt you so many times before, yet you haven’t realised what they are.  They seem so nice at the time, but leave you feeling guilty and miserable.  If you give cruel foods to those you love, just watch them swell up in front of you and start behaving badly.  They can’t help it.  You’ve give them cruel foods.  Kings used to have ‘tasters’ that tried their food first in case somebody was trying to poison them.  You family doesn’t have a taster.  They have you”
Kind foods are low in fat (less than 3%, low in sugar and low in salt.  Kind foods are good for depressed people because they treat your body with respect.  After you’ve eaten them they reward you and support you and give you the energy to face life.  If you suffer from despair, kind foods will steadily build up your reserves of energy and fitness, and help your brain marshal its power to help you.  Kind foods will make you stronger and slimmer.  They will give you back your self-respect and confidence.  Kind foods include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrain cereals and pulses and are natural and easy to prepare.  You can find recipes anywhere to make them delicious as well as nourishing, so long as you don’t cover them with fat when you are cooking and turn them into something else.
Cruel foods are high in fat, sugar or salt.  They seem gorgeous and adorable when you are eating them but once they get inside you, the betray you and hurt you like a soap opera love-rat.  They promise you comfort only to deceive you and bring you down.  After you’ve had them – or rather they’ve had you – you feel fat, low and lousy.
The universe has thrown lots of food information at me this weekend and it’s all been directed to how it makes you and your body feel rather than how it can help you lose weight!  Now I’m not a fan of giving food a personality i.e. good/bad, naughty/nice, kind/cruel but on this occasion I think it’s making a good point.  If food is affecting our physical or emotional health in a negative way no matter how delicious that food is, it’s time to rethink don’t you agree?
When I go shopping this week I will most definitely be throwing carrots, spinach, tomatoes, grapes, bananas, almonds, and other alkaline forming foods, I’ll be buying less beef as that’s supposed to be the worst for the acid forming, because I welcome any suggestions to reduce the inflammation in my body.  Even though I’m not depressed, I do have the hormonal mood swings that start in your forties so I will also be taking them into consideration and including more ‘kind’ foods and omitting more ‘cruel’ foods from my trolley.
I think the question I’ll be asking myself this week is, “will what you’re about to eat make you feel better long term?” rather than help me lose weight, you can eat healthy at any weight.  Delicious food is fabulous for the short time you’re eating it but if the side effects are increased inflammation in the body (arthritis) or depression or mood lows then really you’ve got to ask yourself how delicious that food really is haven’t you!
Now my porridge this morning was actually really tasty and the ingredients on the packet was “oats”, now yesterday I picked up a box of McVities Breakfast porridge oats biscuits and the ingredients on that box was long and it included on 19% rolled oats, it did include vegetable oil, sugar, fructose-glucose syrup, vegetable fat and lots of other stuff!  40g of porridge works out at 4pp, 50g of biscuits works out at 6pp, they are 2pp for one!  Now when I’ve finished eating the porridge I’m satisfied and I think I will be until lunch time, I bought mom the biscuits and I tried a 50g packet, I’d already had my 2 pieces of toast, when I’d eaten them I spent the morning craving another packet because they gave me an instant sugar fix (I didn’t have anymore btw), I was ravenous all day long and I’m sure they had something to do with it.
When it comes to ingredients in foods – less is best if you’re trying to be a healthy happy human!  I’m not suggesting you never have a bit of junk food ever again, or a treat but just start to realise the effect these foods have on your body if you consume them in large quantities or have them as your staple diet. 
May Filling and Healthy is the best option if you’re unsure of the good choices, if it’s highlighted in green – it’s a good choice, if you’re worried about not knowing when you’re full and satisfied then you can still ProPoint you’re choices to keep an eye on what you’re eating.  I think I’m going to give F&H a few days, I like the idea of eating a ‘kind’ diet for a few days and as I’ve started with porridge, I will continue.  Fancy joining me…..
Have a healthy and happy start to your week. xx

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