Tuesday 11 June 2013

Back to reality but I likes it...

Tuesday 11th June 2013
Put all excuses aside and remember this: YOU are capable. Zig Ziglar
First 5am start since May and I’m sure I’ll be okay once my eyeballs wake up like the rest of my body has!  I did wake up before the alarm luckily because I hadn’t set it properly so it wouldn’t have gone off anyway.
Over the last 12 months I've become extremely disorganised and unprepared; some people would see that as a negative yet I'm seeing it as a positive because it means I've stopped trying to be in control of everything, all the time which can be damn hard work and very tiring! Instead of being a control freak these days I'm much more chilled out, believing that everything will work out as it is supposed too. Take my garden for instance, in the past if I'd started a project like that I would be chomping at the bit to get it done and sorted and perfect whereas now I'm just like “okay whatever" when my brother says what he's gonna do, in the past I'd want it done now whereas at the moment I'm saying no rush, it'll get done eventually and I’m trusting my brother to do it well instead of telling him precisely how and where. Yep I defo like this version of me!

I took Alfie too the vets yesterday with his leg, he’s just sprained it, he’ll be okay, but whilst driving them I was people watching (concentrating on the road too honest) there was so much frowning going on, I know it was Monday morning but it’s so unnecessary.  Look in the mirror where are your wrinkles on your face?  If you’re old enough to have them of course - if you're not this could teach you something. If they’re on your forehead stop frowning so much! If like me they're on the outside of your eyes they are your smile lines, love them like I love mine ;) and be glad you smile more than you frown.
I spent another four hours in the garden yesterday painting fence panels and I listened to an audio book called “Finding your passion” by Cheryl Richardson, it's been only ipod for years and I've never listened but noticed it this morning - the universe is clever like that for putting things in your view when you need it.  So it was a good listen, saying that your passion doesn’t have to necessary be just your work, it can be anything that as I call it “makes your heart sing”, and from listening to that and after my holiday last week I’ve realised I need to spend more time outdoors alone as it calms my soul. I've spent the last ten days embracing my passions walking, photography, enjoying the gardens at the house we stayed in, reading for pleasure not knowledge and even the colouring books.  I’m aware that I can’t spent all day, every day doing this kind of stuff but I can add some of it to keep a good balance. 
Another thing she said in her book was;
A high quality life has a lot more to do with what you remove from your life than what you add to it.  An authentic life has a lot more to do with what you remove from your life than what you add to it.”
I totally agree with that statement, when I left my last job to become a Weight Watcher leader I changed my buying habit, I realised we add so much stuff to our lives and it doesn’t fill that void, it can only be filled by ourselves, so as the author of my book said yesterday, instead of spending and buying we should get passionate about self care.  Self care includes a lot of things not just hygiene (although that’s a good one!) it includes spending time quiet time – sitting peacefully, it doesn’t have to be meditation just sitting quiet works, also things like massage or baths or walking outdoors, what things can you do to feed your soul so to speak.
The one thing that I haven't fussed about at all over the last ten days is food; I ate what was on offer and really enjoyed it as food and sustenance rather than taste was my priority if that makes sense. I think because the weather has been so bad for what seems like forever and with my mom being poorly, so I haven't gone far from home for the last year I think that food had become my only passion and that's not a good thing at all. Once pleasure becomes painful its time to stop and address that passion and that's what I've realised and so my plan is for the next few weeks to make my food simple but nutritious and focus my spare time elsewhere. I intend to spend minimal time in the kitchen and not shop if I can help it or only for essentials and make use of what’s in the house already. 
Weight gain is usually a lack of self care it's important to work out our reasons for not putting ourselves first!  Then comes the more difficult part of doing something about it!  There’s no rush, as another wise lady said to me yesterday, sometimes we need to take a step back. Make more time for thinking. 
So today, and for the rest of the week, hopefully for the rest of your life who’s going to make more time for them and achieve more by doing less this week and beyond.
Eat Simply Gorgeous & BeYouTiful. xx

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