Saturday 8 June 2013

Back from heaven, nice and chilled...

Saturday 8th June 2013
“The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.”  Aiden Nowlan
Lot's of fab photos taken this week, will get then online soon.

We’re back and what a fantastic week we’ve had, the weather was hot and bright, 20-22 degrees every day, we were fighting over the shade in the garden and the view from the cottage was just amazing and I totally turned off from technology and chilled out, it was just what I needed and I enjoyed the break thoroughly.  Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t all smiles and sweetness, how could it be, when you have 5 adults (2 of which were oaps, 2 of which were hormonal 40 something’s, oh and the other well lets just say my mate married a top bloke and I actually can’t fault him unless he starts explaining something to you ;-/ ), 2 children (one of each who are no longer satisfied by the same thing) and 2 dogs (one of which was Alfie) in one house!  Yes with that comes its challenges but honestly they are more than worth it, I enjoyed listening to Sheila’s chuckle, I love the cantankerous old lady that is my mom, the precocious sweetheart that is Jen, the ‘dude’ that is Will and of course I love my bestie and her hubby and we had plenty of fun with lots of giggles.
Walking round the shops with kids that actually don’t want anything just think they do, because they can is a nightmare but one I’ve gotten used to over the last few years and this year was better because there weren’t so many shops.  I recall one instance when we were sitting in the house and Jen had sat for five minutes before exclaiming “I’m bored what can we do”, to which I replied as my mom used to when we were kids, “shit in your hands and clap em too”, her quick reply was “you always want to play that game!”  Precious and priceless are those moments, I just love em, they ate the chocolate Lindtt rabbit for me too, we enjoyed smashing his head in on morning for breakfast and I heard Will say, “I’ve pulled his neck off!” ;-)
The calmness of walking along a beach is wonderful and the views whichever way you looked were incredible, Jen came with me one day and she took lots of photos with my camera, a real budding creative artist I have there, Will played with my other camera for half hour, I think he’ll be a techy genius, not thinking photography is his future.  Jen found 4 bird eggs on the beach, we later found out they were ring plover eggs and they just lay them in sand or rocks, we went back a few times to check on them, then the last time they were gone so we chose to believe they’d hatched and the eggs had blown away.
I bought me some pencil crayons and colouring books and sat for a good few hours colouring in, really enjoyed it, relaxing and soothing without having to think too much, there was four of us sat outside round the table doing it at one time, great therapy for the soul, especially when you start making the cows purple and green, once you’re a grown up there are no rules!  Well not regarding colouring anyway, I do remember my sister being very strict and precise about the rules of colouring in when I was a kid and at first I realised those rules were still affecting me now, but once I did acknowledge it, I let those rules go and just enjoyed it.  I will most certainly be colouring in front of the tv now I’m home, it’s a new pastime for sure, relaxing without much thought or effort.
Thursday I went to get the papers, decided to go without the dogs as I wanted some time to myself, I walked up the hill behind the house, then through a few farmers fields before ending up at Harlech Castle, I then walked down to the beach and decided to go right (the house was left) because I wanted to walk to the estuary and hour later I got there!  By the time I got back I’d been out four hours and done 11 miles!  I do love to walk and find it calms my soul; I will be doing more of it if this weather stays, and there are plenty of great places to walk within a short drive of my house.
Weight wise I’d actually lost a pound when I got on the scales so that’s a bonus because we didn’t think about ProPoints, calories or what we should or shouldn’t have all week.  We did take our actifry’s which was a blessing, there were lots of fried eggs and chips involved and we even managed a Chinese takeaway.
So I’m back and today I shall mostly be painting my garden shed lilac (mom’s favourite colour), I emptied it yesterday and took a car full to the tip, so now we have a very tidy shed and by tonight it will be a pretty one too ;-) it’ll look like a giant wendy house by the time I’ve finished! 
And the suns going to shine yet again today, doesn’t it just make you feel so much better.  Enjoy your day whatever your plans, make sure you appreciate your loved ones no matter how much they may annoy or wind you up sometimes because family and friends is what it’s all about. x  

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