Friday 10 May 2013

Tears of happiness - they're the best kind ;-)

10th May 2013
“The more a man knows, the more he forgives.” Confucius
Yesterday was one of those great days you have, my meetings on the morning were just so rewarding, lightbulb meetings I call them when I can see members nodding and they eyes lighting up, I also seem to take something away from those meetings, a great sense of alikeness (not sure if that even a word) for one, it’s just good to know we all are so alike and none of us are on our own.
On the afternoon as I was about to drive back to my meeting Denise my amazing member who’s lost 300lb sent me a text with her before photo on and I was just so overwhelmed with pride that I drove to work crying happy tears.  See I always look at my members faces when I weigh them not their bodies, I don’t take in how heavy a member is as I say at the scales when I weigh them “they’re just numbers and it’s the only place it’s good to be a loser” the numbers don’t mean anything to me, my member being happy and healthy is what is important, I want my members to feel better about themselves so I really don’t take a great deal of notice of how they look from the neck down when they first join, I’m trying to get to know the person and you do that by looking into their eyes and listening.  Anyway my happy tears of pride lasted all the way to work at the realisation of the achievement that Denise has made, I cannot put across how impressed and in awe I am of her persistence and determination, to see someone change so much is just beyond words!  We’re hoping to get the local press to cover her story and then I will share with you the photos if they are printed, until then I will respect her wishes to keep them to myself. But please be inspired by her success as it shows what can truly be achieved with patience and learning to love yourself, it hasn’t been an easy journey but it really has been a fulfilling one for both of us actually.
Sharing Denise’s success has made me want to share another story, in his book, The Star Thrower, Loren E. Eiseley talks of the day when he was walking along a sandy beach where thousands of starfish had been washed up on the shore. He noticed a boy picking up the starfish one by one and throwing them back into the ocean. Eiseley observed the boy for a few minutes and then asked what he was doing. The boy replied that he was returning the starfish to the sea otherwise they would die.

Eiseley then asked how saving a few, when so many were doomed, would make any difference whatsoever? The boy picked up a starfish and as he threw it back said "It's going to make a lot of difference to this one!"

Eiseley left the boy and went home to continue writing, only to find he could not type a single word. He returned to the beach and spent the rest of the day helping the boy throw starfish into the sea.
Take from that what you will but I would like you to never give up, neither on yourself or anyone else you love and care for. Xx
Have a fabulous day, do something for yourself or someone else today to make a difference to their happiness, do a random act of kindness, buy a bunch of flowers for an elderly neighbour, mow a neighbours lawn, make someone at work a cuppa tea.  Anything that will make someone smile. xx

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