Monday 13 May 2013

Sunshine on a rainy day.

13th May 2013
Enjoy the little things in life because one day you’ll look back and realise they were the big things!
drowning their sorrows maybe!

Someone posted on Facebook at the weekend “life is hard work!”  It depends how you perceive it doesn’t it really?  Yeah it is at times but you know what – it’s worth it.
Some people might consider my life hard work, I don’t.  Here’s a snippet into one of my days, we do yesterday (my day off) I got up at six and enjoyed an hours quiet at my pc blogging and catching up on the outside work, and drinking water ;).  Mom woke; I made her toast and tea and took her medication up to her, then went for a lovely walk with Alfie where I tested out my new camera taking photos of the duck and stuff along the canal, I walk home feeling really calm and chilled out.  When I got back mom’s having a funny episode which we think was bought on by the new tablets the doctors give her, because they did this last time and I told him so but he was “let’s try them again anyway!” it’s so frustrating taking her to the doctors time and time again and still have her in pain and uncomfortable. 
So being me I get load and vocal, throw a dicky fit, shout a lot then within minutes think to myself what can I do, the answer not a lot right now other than not give her any more of those painkillers, and wait till the doctors is open in the morning and call them.  I’m the kind of person who expresses how I’m feeling instead of letting it all build up inside me, because holding onto things is what causes stress and I’m not wanting any of that in my life, I’d rather have the odd rage or good cry if and when needed.
So to distract mom, we go for a drive and we don’t get very far because the minute we get in the car it starts raining which is putting us off and then she gets very painful trapped wind so we have to go home for more tablets as we weren’t prepared and we don’t have them all with us.  We do stop to get pizza though so we’ve got that to look forward to.  Mom eats her but leaves the crust, I joke that she won’t have curly hair if she doesn’t eat her crusts, her reply “I’ll have not f*&kin teeth if I do”, she’s in pain but she’s witty!  We get home spend the afternoon chilling and watching tv, we scream at the screen whilst watching the voice, because we’re screaming Alfies running round the house barking and keeps coming back, looking at us as if to say “I can’t find what or who is making your scream, show me where they are and I’ll get them”.  And in that moment, I realise yeah there are times when life is ‘hard work’ but baby it’s worth it.  I love my mom, my dog, my friends and family, and I love my life because trust me – it’s better than the alternative!
I think in the end, it's all about the little things in life that make it good. The little things are easy to overlook but they are often the most precious.  Highlights of my very un-extraordinary day yesterday would be taking a photo of a bottle in the canal (means nothing to you but to me it was a) a good shot and b) showed me what I’m going to be able to do with my camera when I have the opportunity.  Enjoying the flowers on my walk and the bit of sunshine, having a chat with an old chap who was walking his dog.  Alfie making us laugh, even though he was actually being really annoying and stopping us from watching the tv.  Listening to my mom laugh at Alfie and hearing from my bestie that her son made them breakfast – trust me that’s a rarity!
You might not think the little things really matter, but in reality; they are everything.  Its just that sometimes, we are so concerned about the big things in life that we often miss the small stuff that makes a difference, yeah life has it’s ups and downs, we struggle, we take loved ones for granted and maybe at times some of you find it difficult to remember what actually makes life worth living that’s because at those times you’ve forget the little things in life that truly makes us happy. Those are the things that help us through the tough times and that is why it’s important to recognise and appreciate and remember them.
 For me those things include watching a sunrise/sunset, having girly giggles with my bestie, eating a fabulous meal, tasting a divine glass of wine, being engrossed in a great book, writing a blog that gets a response from someone, laughing so hard it hurts, spending time buying someone a gift they’re not expecting, cooking up a new recipe, oh the list goes on and on and on and that is why actually LIFE IS AMAZINGLY GOOD.
What would be on your list?  


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