Thursday 30 May 2013

It’s called WeightWatchers not WeightLosers

Thursday 30th May 2013
“Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.”  Suzanne Somers

It’s called WeightWatchers not WeightLosers – I’m sure there’s a reason for that!  I believe as I mentioned yesterday that we can’t always be ‘in the zone’ so as long as you’re keeping your eye on your weight, and it’s not going up and up and up then that’s better than just giving up.  It’s important to do the best you can and be gentle on yourself, because a happy person functions better in the world than an unhappy one that’s beating themselves up all the time for not being able to ‘do it’!   I love this photo because it sums up my belief of slow and steady wins the race, there are no quick fixes or cheats, and you have to make permanent, long term changes to make get permanent long term result.
So with this in mind and the realisation that underneath it all I am and will probably always be a little bit greedy, I love to shop and spend money on food, I think it goes back to my childhood when mom didn’t have much in the way of cash so all we really ate was eggs and chips (still one of my favourite meals I add),  but anyway, it doesn’t matter why I am the way I am, it matters how I cope with it.  Yesterday we did our holiday shop online to ensure I didn’t do that, “lets just have this and this and this and this” as we walked round the store!  We’ve planned and ordered everything we’ll need to stop us going crazy.  I know my limitations, sometimes I’m more in control than others but at the moment, I know, hand on heart if it was raining when we went to the supermarket, I’d be filling that trolley full of so many goodies, it’d probably double our bill!
I’ve taken temptation out of our way; if we’re going to want to mindlessly eat then we shall mindlessly eat better!  We shall still indulge of course because it’s our holiday but we won’t get ridiculous.  Once the treats we’ve bought have gone, that’s it for the week, we shan’t go get more.
I’m looking forward to reading, resting, walking on the beach, taking photos and spending time with my loved ones, my holiday isn’t just about eating thankfully!
Just one more days work and I can have 10 days off J, just hoping for some dry days as walking in the rain was all I did over Christmas, I’d like a bit of sunshine please.
Thinking about it what could you do this week to help you with your weight loss journey, or to help you turn the tide if you’ve been going in the wrong direction?  It’s about small realistic changes, a tweak each week, we’re looking at moving more this week, the power of the pedometer, could you move a bit more, could you cut down on the treats you have or swap them for a lower ProPointed version, could you just start to keep a journal to make you aware of what you are eating, maybe write down how you’re feeling too, try to sort out your thoughts and emotions?
Right I’m off and doing it, raining yet again, I’m hoping the sky runs out of water by tomorrow and it’s dry for a few days, I want to enjoy that beach.
EatGorgeous, BeYouTiful & Take care of you because you are worth it. xx

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful holiday- supposed to dry up over the weekend. Looking forward to seeing pictures and hearing of your adventures.
    Kath Appleby
