Sunday 17 March 2013

Take it away!

17th March 2013
Start every day off with a smile – at least it’s a good start!
Took mom out for a couple of hours yesterday to break her day up and we took a trip to MacDonalds to meet Lynne, she even came away with a balloon and we had a good few giggles whilst there too, mom no longer has a filter system (not sure she ever did) but what she thinks in her head immediately comes out of her mouth!  That on occasion can be scary, very, very scary!
I was supposed to be going out for the day today but my friends poorly and not up to it and to be honest because I left mom all day Friday I don’t really want to leave her again, it’s a long day in the house all alone isn’t it.  I know everyone spends time with moms on Mothers Day but do you know what, you should be spending time with them and anyone else you love as often as you can not just on a day that you’re expected to!  We never know what’s round the corner, what life has in store for us, a text from a member reminded me of that yesterday, so embrace life and love ones and make the most of every day. x
So talking about enjoying life - have you enjoyed a takeaway this weekend?  I found a previous blog so I could share the info with you, we often have takeaways and just write whatever is in the eat out guide without giving it a second thought, but remember different establishments provide different sizes, this is the chow mein I get locally, it weighs approx 550g, that’s a large portion.  If I work it out roughly thinking about the ingredients that go into it I reckon it’s 18pp a tub, makes you think doesn’t it!

Same with a portion of chips from the chippy, the last time I bought a bag it weighed 900g which was 62pp! if you look at the scales, that’s an example of a 200g portion of frozen chips which is 7pp, you can safely say every handful of chips you take from the bag and place on your plate is 8pp! Weight Watchers esource says a regular portion is 165g (11pp) and a large is 210g (14pp). so be aware of that information when eating chips. I’ve found another of my blogs where chips I’d bought weighed them first 600g of chips and 330g fish in batter! The chips would have been 41pp and the fish I’m guestimating from using other examples to be about 20pp, but it shows that a bag of chips varies massively between shops.
900g of chips in one bag– that’s the same as me going to the supermarket and buying a kilo bag of frozen chips cooking them and eating them myself – you just wouldn’t do it would you? Hopefully you all answered no there!
Short blog today, I’ve got stuff to do, a dog to walk and a house to clean! Boo!
Have a BeYouTiful positive day. Eat, Be & Live Gorgeous and enjoy the now, because the longer you wait for the future – the shorter it will be!

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