Friday 1 March 2013

Smile it's almost the weekend ;-)

1st March 2013
A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear!

Good morning all, welcome to March, WOWser I’ve just worked it out and so far this year my members have lost an incredible amount, 333 STONE! That’s 183 stone in January and 150 stone in February that’s just remarkable!  One of my ladies has also made Aprils Weight Watcher magazine this month, congratulations to Lynne Bott who’s on page 127, I haven’t read my magazine yet, it only arrived Wednesday so it’s my weekend read, there looks like some good articles this month like ‘is your job making you fat?”  mmm I could say yes ;D
Well my staycation last weekend and my CBA (of the can’t version) attitude incurred me a 1.5lb gain yesterday on the scales, I’ll take that, I’m still lighter than I was at the beginning of the year, it may only be 3lb lighter but I’m good with that as long as I’m not going up, I know when I follow the plan I can lose but this week I haven’t, I even had an Indian takeaway last night, went for tandoori chicken though and cauliflower bhajee which was absolutely devine, I need that recipe in my life, it was lush, that’s my kind of Indian food, flavoursome and tasty, not hot and spicy.  I didn’t bother with rice or nann breads so it wasn’t a bad meal to be honest.   It wasn’t like a onion Bhaji it was more a curry like side dish in a sauce, really tasty, actually I’m thinking of going and getting it again and giving it to my sister to see if she can recreate it – so tasty.
I’m looking forward to today, we’re off shopping for a table and possibly a couple of chairs for my living room, I’m thinking shabby chic apparently, I didn’t know that was what it was called when I visualised it in my head but I have since found out yes that is it’s style.  I want a pedestal style dining table for up to 4 people to go in my small living room so that I can continue to enjoy eating up the table, I said if I stuck with it I’d treat myself and I have since Christmas, I love sitting up the table to eat now, enjoy it more and concentrate on my food better, me and mom also get to talk a bit.
So if anyone has something like this they don’t want or has seen anything inbox me this morning ;)

This weeks meeting was all about finding fifteen minutes for you to do something that would help your weight loss, don’t forget to do it!  I know we all have such busy lives and it’s so easy not to bother but you’re worth putting in that bit of effort and time.  So what could you do – here’s a recap;
-  Research local exercise classes
- Reorganise your kitchen store cupboards and remove temptation.  Mark up the ProPoints of the contents.
- Spend 15 minutes longer in the supermarket shopping, use that time to ProPoint what you buy before you buy it!
- Fill in your journal – page 5 has an activity where you can record why weight loss is important to you.  Really useful thing to do, keep it to hand to remind yourself why you’re doing this
Create a list of favourite meals/foods – or a basic shopping list
- Plan out the next day’s meals – or plan out some new dishes you want to try
- If you’re eating out, use your 15 minutes to look at the menu / eat out guide / online to find out your options and decide on what you’ll have.
- Look through your SHOP book for food ideas
- Cook -  there’s a 15 minute chicken chow mien recipe on p9 of Your Week
Take 15 mins to eat a meal without distractions – when was the last time you did that!
- Chill out and read your Weight Watcher magazine, get some motivation from it.
- Log on to the routines tool on esource and pick 3 routines to work on from a choice of 16.  Tick off each day that you achieve them
- Set up your pedometer and agree an amount of steps you want to achieve each day (one of the routines on esource)
-  Have a snooze or a nice bath because sometimes we’re so stressed out or tired that weight loss is the last thing on our mind, so if that’s how you feel at the moment, find a way to chill out a little.
I’m lucky I guess because I do make time for myself, I could easily work all day everyday because there’s always something else do to, plus I love my work.  However I’ve realised I need the ‘me time’ to help me re-energise which ultimately makes me better at my job.
On that note it’s Friday so I need to get my paperwork done because I have a weekend waiting for me ;-)
Always Eat Gorgeous & BeYouTiful because you are xx

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