Thursday 21 March 2013

Give us a smile....

21st March 2013
Finish each day and be done with it.  You have done what you could.  Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day.  You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.  Emerson.
So yesterday was National Happiness Day, I didn’t realise that until after I’d wrote my blog, it was also the Spring Equinox marks the start of spring and has long been celebrated as a time of rebirth. So we should all be happy, smiling and raring to make a fresh start!
You ready?
Erm yeah you too!
I know some of you are probably sitting there thinking nah I really can’t be bothered, I’ve lost my mojo and I don’t know which drawer I’ve put it in and that feeling is just awful, it really does suck.  If you are feeling that way you really need to work out why because no one can change it but you,  We all have off days or even weeks but if it continues then something isn’t right and you need to work that out. 
Because my lovelies, life really is to short to be unhappy for long….
My sister turned fifty yesterday, which means I’m only 7 years behind her, that’s just gone by so quickly, I have memories of her dragging me round by my hair and stealing my bottle – something’s never change the bottles just red these days!
My moms 75 this year and luckily for her and me she has a young soul, she’s never grown up in her mind, unfortunately her body has more than made up for it.
So yes we are here but a short time, moms always telling me we get “three score years and ten” when I was young it went over my head, but as you get older you listen more, I’ve just googled it and its from the bible suggesting our life span, Shakespeare used it too, so 70 years has always been the expected in the past, if you get more you’re lucky.  I’m not being maudlin, I’m being realistic, it’s good to accept and realise that YOU WILL DIE!  And the sooner you do, the sooner you may actually START TO LIVE!
I’ve dodged death a few times so earlier in my life I did my bucket list and I’ve ticked them all off except the tandem ride which I plan on doing this year, ooo I just had a visual of me and mom on a tandem with Alfie on the back – lol nooooo that’s not going to be happening at all, it’ll be me and Lynne having a giggle for half a day over Ironbridge!
So what have you done this year that’s made you smile, that’s given you memories?  Anything?  Nothing? Why not? It’s important to realise memories and enjoyment do not have to mean spending copious amounts of money, we sometimes get stuck in that belief. 
Time is free, but it’s priceless.You can’t own it, but you can use it.You can’t keep it, but you can spend it.Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.  (Harvey MacKay)
This weekend, I intend to use some of my time doing things I love doing like cooking a special meal, going for a walk and enjoying being outside, maybe taking mom for a drive depending on the weather and I think we’re going to watch some comedy, I might look for a funny movie or a box set I haven’t seen already.
What are you planning to do?  Clean the house – do you know what just move the clutter and leave it for a week, it’ll still be there next week.
Have a fabulous day, eat Gorgeous & BeYouTiful & enjoy your life. xx

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