Thursday 14 March 2013

All I am saying is "Give peas a chance!"

14th March 2013
Always end the day with a positive thought.  No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.
Well the universe tested whether I meant what I wrote in my blog yesterday ;-)  Trying to stay positive yesterday took some doing, all silly things like helpers not making the meeting so meaning I was short staffed, my delivery man being 4 hours later than usual so I couldn’t get my paperwork done, mom being poorly so I had to sort all the recycling and bins as it was bin day, then dropping a bag full of frozen peas all over the floor whilst I was trying to prepare my tea before going to work, that kind of thing.  Nothing major just lots of silly little things, well when the peas spilled all round me I just sod there got my phone to take a photo (it’s a bit like counting to ten), smiled and thought sod it!  None of this stuff really matters does it, not unless you let it anyway, stress is caused by taking yourself too seriously and thinking things are more important than they really are.  Everything doesn’t have to be a big deal, yes we were short staffed but it just meant things took a little longer, and people are happy to wait, if I hadn’t got my paperwork done they’d have always been tomorrow to do it and as for the peas well it only took a sweeping brush to sort.  So if you’re feeling super stressed, think about "lightening up" a bit. Most of us tend to take ourselves entirely too seriously and, as a result, open ourselves up to unnecessary stress and anxiety.  I see people getting really stressed out about their weight, if they’ve not had the best week or they’ve gone wrong they get themselves really worked up, instead of realising mistakes are proof that they’re trying which is much more important.

I tend to cope with stressful moments like the pea thing by swearing loudly then laughing, it works for me, that way I don’t dwell on it or let it affect my mood for the rest of the day because it really is too easy to let one thing wind you up, then something else will add to it and this can continue all day long if you’re having ‘one of those days’
(I luv this lol)
So if you think you many be taking yourself a little too seriously and therefore getting stressed then here are some reasons why you should avoid doing so in future;
- It requires a lot of work, (and anything that makes you shed copious amounts of blood, sweat and tears is not good for your heath or happiness).
- It can give you a headache or worse still a migraine – pain is never good!
- It demands that you be right every time – trust me NO ONE is!
- It will give you a furrowed brow and freaky frown lines – who wants anymore wrinkles and you don’t want or can’t expensive botox treatments so instead get yourself some laughter lines.
- Because you are merely a speck in a massive universe, and yes you are really important because you’re you and people love you but your actions in the scheme of things isn’t so much.
- It won’t win you any friends nor influence people – people don’t want someone round them who’s always miserable, serious and unhappy.  SMILE NOW!
Ultimately when we’re getting our knickers in a twist, throwing our dummy out of the pram or sitting there screaming “ME ME ME” remember it's not all about you anyway! In a hundred years or more (actually in a week usually), whatever you're so worked up about won't really matter at all!  So let’s all decide today to just get over ourselves. It helps if you can ignore asking the universe that ridiculous question “WHY MEl?" Instead, try focusing on the good for a change.
So in the words of Oscar Wilde, Life is too important to be taken seriously!
Have a BeYouTiful positive day. Eat, Be & Live Gorgeous oh yeah and smile ;)

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