Saturday 23 February 2013

This cottage is just like home!

23rd February 2013
Man has never made any material as resilient as the human spirit. Bern Williams
Well you can take the girl on holiday but you can’t make her sleep ;-), it’s half six and I’ve been awake half hour, but it was a relaxed waking, no diving out of bed to get ready or be somewhere, just down for a cuppa then back up to write my blog.  The staycation is going fabulously so far, this place has all mod cons you don’t always get in the middle of the countryside, so I’m relieved to say it now has WiFi again, the waters good for tea making because some of those old cottages have musty water that makes drinks taste yak!  It even has Sky+ and there are pre-recorded programmes for us to watch (ones we like too) and a few movie channels – that’s today sorted, I’ve just got to find a newagents for the papers – I always read the papers when I’m on holiday, it’s the only time (actually I look at the pictures, I don’t like news it’s depressing).
In preparation yesterday I went to Marks & Spencers for posh provisions, I have a few nice bottles of good wine, I’ll have to take some home with me though as I did the buy 6 save 25% deal, and I did succumb to the meal deals, I was buying the chicken tikka masala anyway so it would have been silly not to, and the side I’ve had can actually be a meal in itself. 
You can do your shopping in M&S then go fetch your car and come back and collect it, so that’s what I did, but of course having the memory I do, I was half way between there and home before realising I hadn’t picked it up!  And I take the mickey out of my mom for her bad memory ;-)
I met my bestie and her two kids for lunch, we all shared one starter (combo for 1), I ate two little bits of chicken and a couple of onion rings and the salad off it.  Then I had steak for my main, Jenny swapped her mash for my chips and I have to say I preferred the mash, looking in eat out guide a similar dish in Weatherspoons is 29pp, so that will me all my ProPoints used up, I am now officially in the red, but I’m on my holiday and I will do damage limitation whilst having fun and then get back on it 100% Monday morning.  Lynne and I watched the kids eat pudding and Jen left a lot of hers but if you watch Jen eat a pudding you’ll understand why we didn’t finish it off for her ;-)  Yes she eats it with no guilt – no worry – just yummy, she doesn’t appear to need a spoon either!
A little walk round the shops with them afterwards once again reinforced why I made the decision not to have children myself but to borrow them occasionally when it suits me for fun times because they really are hard work aren’t they, Lynne bless her has the patience of a saint as do most moms I’m guessing.
We bid our farewells then I went and had the most amazing massage at the Chi Rooms to chill me out in preparation for my holiday at home and I have to say it was amazing, I told her to chill me out and oh my word she did, I could barely dress myself when I came out, then I left without paying!  Good job I’m a regular and they know what my memory is like!
So today is all about chilling out, good job I’m on my staycation because there is so much that could be done in this house and office, hey ho it’ll wait till we get back to real life!  We have an M&S chicken tikka masala for our main meal, I’m thinking of a bacon square wrap panini for my breakfast, I will get dressed but only long enough to walk the dog a bit then its back in my PJ’s, I feel so chilled – it’s fabulous!
For those who think I’m crazy with my idea of a holiday at home, apparently I’m not the first and the word staycation is actually in the dictionary, here’s the definition;
A staycation is a unique kind of vacation in which vacationers, or staycationers in this case, stay at home instead of going away. One might ask how a staycation can be a vacation if it is spent at home. The idea behind a staycation is that one takes time away from their everyday life, without actually having to travel away"
World English Dictionary
staycation or stacation (steɪˈkeɪʃən)
informal a holiday in which leisure activities are pursued while staying at one's own home
[C21: stay 1 + ( va ) cation ]
stacation or stacation (steɪˈkeɪʃən, steɪˈkeɪʃən)
[C21: stay 1 + ( va ) cation ]
On that note, I’ll say whatever you’ve got planned this weekend, enjoy it because every day is a bonus and you’re gorgeous. xx

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