Monday 11 February 2013

Shades of grey...

11th February 2013

There may be more to learn from climbing the same mountain a hundred times than by climbing a hundred different mountains.Richard Nelson
Well Alfie wouldn’t go for his walk yesterday and I’ve got to say I was glad because it was raining, yet later in the day when my boss posted on Facebook that she’d just got back from her 5 mile walk and was soaked to the skin I was a little envious of her determination!  This morning there’s about 2 inches of snow out there and it’s still coming down, I wonder if he’ll want to go out in that.  Luckily I still managed to clock up 6,000 steps on my pedometer just by walking up and downstairs and doing a bit of housework, my head will never save my legs it has to be said.  I also did a couple of hours work which means I have that time this afternoon free to do something.  I’ve got that yoga thing tonight to, hoping I can do it because I tried a bit of yoga in the house yesterday and my sciatic nerve wasn’t impressed at all!  The living room yoga session didn’t last long, mom got up and wanted a drink and Alfie came down to play with the yoga girl!  I then used both of those reasons as a good excuse to stop and went and had a long hot bath instead.

I cooked us a nice simple lamb dinner and mom asked for an omelette instead!  So it looks like I’ve got another lamb dinner today, as I’m not wasting good food, then again she may fancy it today. 

I realised this weekend that I’ve lost something and I’m so glad because when I used to have it, it made me pretty damn miserable every Monday morning.  What am I talking about?  Living my life in black and white with no grey areas that’s what - that all or nothing approach when it comes to things, particularly my eating habits.  I’m so glad I don’t tackle my ‘diet’ like that anymore, yet so many do, do you recognise yourself here, either eating perfectly or you fail.  This approach sets you up for failure, because no one can succeed forever in eating perfectly.  You know how it goes, you get up with the best of intentions, then find yourself eating something you consider ‘bad’ and feel like you’ve blown it.  Since you failed for that day, you continue to eat anything and everything that you had successfully been avoiding up till then.  So now you feel guilty, you’re such a failure and you feel worthless because you let yourself down again eating cake, biscuits and crisps!  Ringing any bells?  If it is then you need to stop this negative eating pattern, maybe simply change your thinking slightly and take a ‘better than’ approach and if you do have something that you didn’t plan on, it’s okay because this is for life and you don’t want to omit all the treats forever.  Yep lose the black and white thinking and wake up every Monday morning feeling good about yourself because you are taking care of yourself as best as you can.

Instead of constantly thinking about your diet and weight loss think about improving your diet in a way that will make it a forever change not a ‘for now’ change.

Just like me decide to be a Happy Owl because it’s a hell of a lot better than being an unhappy perfectionist!

Well I better go shovel snow – oooo Activity ProPoints to be earned ;-)

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