Wednesday 27 February 2013

I'm sexy and I know it!

27th February 2013
The less you give a damn – the happier you will be!
Me and my mates have decided that not only are we Happy Owls (Happy Over Weight Ladies for those who don’t already know) but we’re also now following the HaHa plan (Healthy And Happy Attitude!)  Because life is too short to be unhappy because of what you weigh, I came into contact with two beautiful young ladies yesterday one looked really sad about this weight loss thing and the other was stressed out to the max about going for a meal and it’s really not worth it, it’s not the way to get where you’d like to be.
I love this response I had to the blog that was written by my guest blogger on February she wrote to me and said;
I think we can be guilty of trying to completely change ourselves; for instance I have curly hair and told the hairdresser I wanted polka straight hair. She told me to accept what 'god' had given me and work with my curls. So I feed my hair, hydrate it and keep heat away from it, my hair is soft silky and curls well rather than frizz. So what I’m trying to say accept your body and all its lumps and bumps after all they are all paid for! They also represent the good times...lunch at the Ivy, cocktails at the Ritz, a holiday to New York. I even put on 1stone when working on a cruise ship as I thought the single cream was the milk!  Every beautiful fold in my skin is full of laughter and good times. So just as my hairdresser told me to I accept what has been given to me, I have fabulous curves, beautifully soft skin and make the best of my green eyes and great smile it just happens to be encased in a size 16. I have realised that by wanting to change our bodies so much we are boring to the opposite sex complaining about our 'muffin tops + chunky thighs. We all need to remember we are so lucky being us! We have 2 legs to carry us with, 2 eyes to see our muffin top, 2 hands to put the food in our certainly makes me feel lucky to be me ;-) x
I like her spirit!  She has a point, and it goes back to what I’ve said before, embrace what you already have, learn to love the skin you’re in and feed it good, nutritious food because you want to be healthy and happy.  You’ll find yourself eating better because you love yourself enough to want to take care of your body.  This is a much better plan than hating your body because it doesn’t look how you wished it did and therefore you deprive it and starve it and give it vile looks when you pass a mirror!  Hell if I was your body I’d work against you to if you treat me that way – think about it, would you work your best for an employer who treated you like dirt?  Hell no you wouldn’t you’d do the minimum, you’d get away with as little as possible, I dare say you’d throw a few sick days as well!  Is you’re body in good health or is it throwing the odd sick day, could that be because you’re not respecting it and treating it well?
Are you up for joining us on the HaHa plan, can you truly be a Happy Owl, I know it’s a very select group and not everyone can really be one.  Someone said to me the other day that no one can truly be happy fat!  Bold statement I thought at the time and I do understand where she was coming from and I kind of agree that most people would rather be slim but it’s hard work and being bigger is easier.  However just because you’d like to be slimmer doesn’t mean you have to be unhappy whilst you’re what the BMI charts consider fat!   I’m overweight according to those charts but I’m far from unhappy!  After all would you rather be fat and happy or thin and sad?   I don’t think anyone can tell you how to be, only you can choose and only you know how you feel and what makes you feel that way.
Some people thing being ‘fat’ is bad for self-esteem whilst others believe being happy should have nothing to do with what you look like and certainly shouldn’t hinge on what size clothes you wear.  Happiness comes from within, but it can be a ‘catch 22’ situation as when you know you look good, you feel good and have lots of confidence; it’s difficult to feel on top of the world if you think you look bad because you’re overweight. 
It’s all a state of mind, I see larger ladies who look amazing, they’re gorgeous and dress well and just strut their stuff, I see some tiny women who dress badly, still have no confidence and don’t look amazing!  So when it comes to happiness and weight, it's all relative. Some overweight women are happy with their size, some slimmer women aren’t. Unfortunately there’s pressure from society and the media for women to conform to an unrealistic ideal of what we should look like and pursuing the perfect "10" because fashion dictates is not a healthy or happy attitude. The only real reason that women should lose weight is because they want to, because they're not happy about that area of their life and have realised they can change it.  And by taking the HaHa approach they’re much more likely to succeed. 
If you’re not a Happy Owl then until you can read our minds you’ll have to take our word for it that we are happy despite our weight - being overweight doesn't automatically make you miserable, just as losing weight isn't a guaranteed path to happiness.
There’s something for you to ponder today, can you be or are you already fat and happy?  Can you separate your happiness from your weight or does one dictate the other?  There isn’t a right answer here, but I’d like to think everyone of us wants to be happy xx
BeYouTiful because you are xx

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