Sunday 3 February 2013

I'm not perfect - I'm only human!

3rd February 2013
Who are you to judge the life I live?  I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be.  But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean. Boby Marley
WOW I’ve just slept for just over ten hours, result!  Good sleep too it was, may have woke a few times but went straight back to sleep, I do love a good night, although sleep is not something I’ve ever struggled with, just ask my friends, they reckon they can just go – “3, 2, 1……” and I’m gone!
So I lied to you all yesterday, I said I’d stick to my 26 and I didn’t!   Whoever said ‘nothing tastes as good as being slim feels’ couldn’t cook very well and had never tasted twiglets!  Yeah I fell into a tub of twiglets, fell for the age old trick, noticed the reduced counter in Co-op when I went to get Alfie a packet of dog treats!  Well that wasn’t good was it, then there was a giant sausage roll reduced to 30p – luckily I only eat the middle bit or that could’ve been worse!  I’m okay with this because I’m in no rush to lose my Christmas weight as long as it’s coming off and not going on, I’ll be happy.
I know most of you are cooking on gas right now because of the weight losses in my meetings, but there are a handful that are struggling to get this eating thing under control and it’s those that need to realise perfectionism doesn’t exist.
Most of us can relate to the feeling of helpless ness, when losing weight just seems impossible, when you just think “I can’t do this!”  Then you make the mistake of working out how long it will take you to lose the weight and it seems forever, I mean at 1lb a week, it’d take a year to lose almost 4 stone!   Then you get miserable about how you look, how you feel and how hard it all is so you eat and eat and eat undoing any good work you may have done the first couple of days after your weigh in!  Sounding familiar?
That’s why you need to STOP thinking about the weight!  Make weight loss a side-effect of starting to love life!  No I don’t mean going out, partying hard, getting drunk and eating junk all the time, think about it – if that’s what you’re doing now are you really happy with it all?  I think not otherwise you wouldn’t be feeling the way I described above!  What I mean is finding pleasure in other things besides food, that will be different for everyone, I love walking, reading, cooking, crafting, I even still love eating, just in a different way.  Instead of going and buying a pile of junk food (yes there are days when I still do we all know that) I go and buy something that looks delicious or the ingredients to make something scrumptious.  I don’t see cooking as a chore; I see it as a chance to eat something amazing whilst having the challenge of keeping it low in ProPoints and/or healthy. 
If you can learn to love you as you are now, you’ll instantly start to notice a difference.  You’ll want to take care of yourself, you’ll realise eating delicious, healthy food nourishes your body and makes you feel fabulous.  You’ll feel more alive, alert and awake, this will make you happier and by listening to your body both whilst your eating and after you’ll notice which make you feel great and give you energy – this will feel brilliant.  But if you notice it makes you feel drowsy, sluggish or full and sick then not so great.
Think about it, 1lb a week = 4 stone a year, that’s fantastic!  That also doesn’t mean you have to be the 100%, stick to the rules Weight Watcher you’re trying to be at the moment but failing and then beating yourself up.  12 months feel like a long time, think about it again, how far away does Christmas seem already?  We’re in February already for goodness sake, how fast did that go!  Yes trust me It’ll be 2014 before you know it, and only you can choose whether to continue doing what you’re doing now and getting down about your inability to be the perfect on, or you can do what I do every morning , which is, I get up, walk to the bathroom and look in my full length mirror, I put my hands on my belly and give it a cuddle and say “I love you I do”, because you cannot take care of something you don’t love first!  Honest I do that, I may not always say the words out loud but I think them and I love my chunky thighs which have dimples in them, I also love that extra lump of fat that just above my knees on the inside of my legs, that just likes being with me and ensures there’s never a gap when I stand with my legs closed!   No BODY is perfect but mine is perfect for me – I’ve come a long way from when all I wanted was the size 8, flat stomach, skinny legs, oh man striving for that body made me one miserable, uptight bitch and even when I got it I was still miserable and uptight.  Now I loves the skin I’m in because I look more like everyone else in the world now than I did when I was a size 8!  And because unlike the picture above I don’t have to be perfect, I can do it if I choose too, I’m allowed to make mistakes, I’ve always been good enough, I’m more than worthy and LOTS of people love me including myself.
You work on that folks and trust me, you’re weight will become not such an issue because you’ll be too busy working on feeling fantastic, eating gorgeous and being a Happy Owl.  When that happens you watch yourself start to lose the weight!
Have a super Sunday, it’s my besties birthday – I’m letting her cook my dinner ‘-) All heart ain’t I!

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