Thursday 3 January 2013

Taming the beast that is my appetite!

3rd December 2013
Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. Meister Eckhart
Today is my official post Christmas weigh in and I’m feeling very positive about it all.  It was great to be back at work yesterday and even better to see the 111 of you that came to face the music, believe it or not I even had so of you lose ;-) not many of course I could actually count them on the fingers I have, but still it’s amazing that people did that, I had two members last night that joined last week and lots 11lb between them – fabulous.  As for the rest of you on the morning the average gain was 5lb a member and last night it was a mere 2lb each, so of those members hadn’t been in December at all so I personally think that’s an amazing achievement!  I have to say though what was fantastic was NO ONE was upset about it, we all smiled, said what a fabulous time we’d had and how we couldn’t wait to get back to eating healthily and cutting out the junk that was making us feel sluggish. 
I tracked again yesterday and ended on 40pp, which is an improvement and I also earned 9pp on my pedometer (don’t forget that great £19.95 offer in my meeting this month only for the deluxe pack, it’s got the pedometer (worth £17) and all the new updated books, shop, eat, track journal, sit less – move more, and coupons – bargain) I do love my wineometer, it helps me partake of a glass with my dinner, which was also enjoyed sitting up our table which is now permanently set up for eating, makes it much more enjoyable and digestible.
I ate really well yesterday, porridge and fruit for brekkie, trout, spaghetti in briam, spinach, bit of stilton for lunch, and prawns in mayo in a red cabbage and carrot salad with beetroot, salad leaves, and a slice of best of both for tea.  Then because I’d really enjoyed the slice of bread I had another (that I could’ve done without) and then my mom walked in with Maltesers and I ended up having a handful of those (hedonic hunger)!  Hey ho, one step at a time – it’s all a learning curve.
I’ve also had a little notepad for Christmas that I am using as my food book, not for tracking, but for writing in meals I enjoyed that I would cook again, not necessarily recipes but just what it was and at the back I’m writing a list of foods I enjoy so that when I go shopping I can use that as my starting point.  My memory isn’t the best but also sometimes my mind is just too full of stuff to concentrate and focus so having this book as an aid will help me enormously. 
That’s one thing I picked up from our Christmas holiday, being able to focus and concentrate as a mother cannot be the easiest of tasks, as children are just ‘there’ all the time ;-) so anything that assists you has to be a good thing.  Trackers, journal, note pad for lists and ideas all worth having if they help!
Yes it is good to be back to normal and with all this new knowledge from the Weight Watchers new approach, I plan to get my eating under even better control this year!
So here's to taming our appetites in 2013. Eat Gorgeous. xx

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