Tuesday 15 January 2013

Snow excuses! We can do this...

15th January 2013
Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries. Corita Kent
Okay brain needs to wake up, I’ve just sat here for 15 minutes drinking tea and browsing Facebook to see what’s going on in the world.  On a positive note I’ve had a cracking nights sleep, I actually went to bed at 8pm because tv was doing my head in, I couldn’t handle another of moms CSI or Law & Order and when I try to watch Go To Dance auditions mom sits there saying, “Yes it’s clever, but is it dance!”  Takes the enjoyment out of it a little, so instead I took my Kindle to bed, I only managed to read a few pages though before passing out, I do love my knack of falling sleeping.

It was Alfie’s birthday yesterday and I forgot till my mate reminded me on the night, he had a trip to the vet which he wasn’t impressed with at all, everything seems fine we’ve just got to stop him licking for a week to prevent infection – that’s easier said than done!

I did my good deed for the day yesterday and earned myself activity ProPoints whilst doing it, after our downfall of an inch or so of snow, I went to clear my car and whilst doing it, I decided to do three of the neighbours cars too who I knew left the house as early as I did.  You can’t beat a random act of kindness to give you a feel good mood.  If we have anymore snow, please ensure you clear all the windows, your lights and the roof with a broom, its very dangerous otherwise.  I lost a friend in a accident because the person hadn’t cleared the back of their car one morning ;( you need more than just a circle on the windscreen.  And don’t be afraid to clear your paths, here’s some good advice http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/learning/get-ready-for-winter/out-and-about/the-snow-code

Anyway moving on to diet stuff - yay I’m in the zone at last, following the Filling and Healthy plan has really helped me tame my appetite back, don’t get me wrong my appetites still pretty big so my portions are quite big still, but the food I’m eating is satisfying me and stopping me from being tempted by biscuits.  I sat at watched mom eating a tin of chocolate biscuits last night and didn’t even care, instead I went and made my tea of a bagel, beef slices and cottage cheese which I enjoyed and it filled me up.  Long may this feeling last, I’ll be happy to lose a pound a week if I can live like this.

I think I’m going to make beef burgers this week, (might even invest in a proper mincer to make my own 100% mince), I’ll have to use extra lean (5% fat) mince to make them Filling & Healthy but I reckon they’ll be delicious with chips done in my Actifry.  Mmm nom nom can’t wait but I’ll have to because I have today planned, I’m making use of the food in the freezer and fridge first, so today is trout (the last piece in the freezer, bought when it was reduced), I’m defrosting a chicken to make a chicken dinner tomorrow, I’ve also got prawns to make prawn wraps for lunch, will either have with cottage cheese or I’m thinking of making a bit of a sauce with 0% Greek Yogurt and garlic salt just to lubricate the wraps. 

It’s day 6 of Filling & Healthy, I really thought I’d struggle with the lack of choice and craving things that aren’t on the list but I haven’t at all, my breakfast yesterday was delicious, ½ Weight Watcher bagel, ¼ tin baked beans, ½ of a 3 egg omelette and mushrooms with spring onion cooked in a stock cube.  More than substantial, mom had the other half and even if you’d been following ProPoints it would have only been 7pp, a bargain from your ProPoints budget.
Yes I realised when I put my clean jeans on yesterday that they were a little too snug for my liking!  My dirty jeans I’d bought in New York were giving me a false sense of security because they’re a little on the large side on the waist anyway. 
A pound a week I want to lose, 8lb initially, and then if possible another 7lb to get back to my official Weight Watcher goal, yes thanks to Christmas I’m 15lb over my goal which is not good, even worse when it’s my job to encourage others to get the weight off!    I’ve just checked my BMI on the Weight Watchers website and it’s said this;

Your BMI 28
Your Body Mass Index, or BMI, is above your “healthy” range of 20-25, in the overweight category. Research has shown that this can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. Losing weight will lower your BMI, which can reduce your risk of these health problems, and likely improve your overall sense of well-being. You can get the motivation and information you need to lose weight ― and keep it off ― with Weight Watchers.

Boo to the BMI chart, that’s what I say!  Having said that I will be doing my utmost to get that number back down to BMI 25 as I want to give my body every change of long term good health, being happy is of no use if I die of a heart attack is it! ;-/

So here’s to healthy eating and moving more and sitting less!  If you haven’t already done so, start paying more attention to the Filling and Healthy foods, you can still follow the ProPoints plan, you will just aim to include more of those types of food, it’s not all carrots and lettuce you know it’s good tasty healthy food.  I shall continue to prove that for the foreseeable future.
Now what shall I have for breakfast, all the eggs have gone (boo!) so I may have shredded wheat, I’ve strangely developed a taste for them this week!

Here’s to feeling happy and healthy – enjoy your day!


  1. Good morning Bev, I'm one of your "silent" followers, I check in every day and your blog is smashing...

    I lost 3st 5lb following core in 2009 but alas I've gone a little awry - humph!

    Your recipies and tips are fab, they really inspire to get the F&H back on track. Well done you.

    Thanks for the lovely site - I admire your stamina at 5am in the mornings.

    Have a fab day,
    Bev P (One of Lynnes helpers Aldridge)

  2. Yay, a change is as good as a rest I reckon Bev ;-)
